logged into fedora, not amahi

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logged into fedora, not amahi

Postby johnson85 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:42 am

hi, so i had trouble writing the amahi iso to a usb drive but read that fedora 27 has this software so i got fedora 27 to write and install and i followed everything in the amahi docs, got my install code, installed the repo by following the 3 lines of code it tells you to enter. after all that, everything said it was successful and i rebooted, only it booted into fedora server. when i enter the ip address into firefox i get the fedora server dashboard, not amahi. so my question is, did i do something wrong? miss a step? or is the fedora server supposed to be what i log into? i just assumed i would see amahi server and not fedora

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Re: logged into fedora, not amahi

Postby bigfoot65 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:04 pm

when i enter the ip address into firefox i get the fedora server dashboard, not amahi.
If you are not seeing the Amahi Dashboard login, you missed a step.

Did you enter the install code?

The instructions are very detailed and specific, so if you did not follow them precisely that is likely your issue.

If you could provide more details of the commands you entered in the terminal, I should be able to assist.
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