SOLVED: Cannot save extra parameters

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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:22 pm

There is something potentially wrong with your install.

What part are you referring to in reference to O vs 0?
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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby HanoverFist » Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:08 pm

i was referring to the URL. When i was copying it over from the HDA it was hard to tell if the characters were 0 or O. Since the URL in the post is working I must have gotten it right.

Should I try installing the GreyHole app? Everything seems to be working OK other than the saving of the extra parameters. Would you expect the parameter saving problem to affect the app install/function?

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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby bigfoot65 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:14 pm

Should I try installing the GreyHole app? Everything seems to be working OK other than the saving of the extra parameters.
That is the preferred method for installing and configuring Greyhole.
Would you expect the parameter saving problem to affect the app install/function?
It should not have any affect. Also you won't need to add anything to the shares via extra parameters if you use the app. It automatically does that for you.
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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby stones1313 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:28 am

I am having the same issue, when I manually edit smb.conf it works as it should but after a little while the file is replaced by Amahi. My install went fine and I have reinstalled twice over the last week and the same issue has been present on both installs. My sysinfo link is

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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:17 am

You should not manually edit the smb.conf file. It is an auto-generated file that is updated automatically.

Any settings you need to add must be done so by share in the dashboard, using the Extra Parameters option.
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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby madhatta » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:24 pm

I am having the same problem in Amahi 10 and before I realized these initial extra parameters had not saved, I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why Greyhole would not update renamed and deleted files. Every greyhole --fsck, the files would magically reappear. I ended up removing the share to landing zone, making changes, migrating folders, etc and then re-adding it and letting greyhole disperse the files once again. It did lead me to the realization of properly handling all data through samba shares, though so that is good.

For the moment, I have modified the smb.conf with the necessary parameters on the shares (breaking my server momentarily because I had not restarted my mount_shares_locally script after making changes to smb.conf and proceeded to reboot the server) but I see here that Amahi will update this smb.conf automatically in time or force it when I make changes on the share page?

I am sitting at work and am not positive that I ever tried entering the lines manually; only copy and pasting from the manual install greyhole tutorial page. I see that when a copy of that text is performed, a carriage return (^M, I am assuming) is copied. I also see a bug report (Bug #1184) that seems to have to do with carriage returns being copied into the extra parameters field but it says this bug was resolved 4 years ago? Most programs would eliminate the carriage returns upon pasting but maybe this is not the case with the Amahi 10 shares page? Anyway, I am going to try hand jamming when I get home and see if there is any difference.

One question: When the settings in extra parameters are saved, will this information show in the Amahi share dashboard page?

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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby bigfoot65 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:02 am

One question: When the settings in extra parameters are saved, will this information show in the Amahi share dashboard page?
Yes it should. You might need to be in edit mode to see the text.

Best to manually enter the data once vs copying from the wiki.

One tip is to copy it from the first share you do and paste that in the next one.
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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby madhatta » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:00 pm

As an update, like the other posters, I could not get anything to save and although I don't know how to view the production.log as the other person did I assume I am getting the same 500 internal server error when the front end tries to populate the database. I had to end up manually editing the 'extras' field in the 'shares' table. I only tried on one Windows 10 laptop as I don't have any Linux clients or older Windows clients in the house. I didn't feel like creating and booting a live distro to try it out.

I am not sure if the Amahi team is super excited about guides for how to modify the databases but here is how I did it for anyone else that may have the same problem in the future:

As root...

sudo su -

If there is a local share mounted...

service mount_shares_locally stop

Shut down Samba and Greyhole

systemctl stop smb.service
systemctl stop amahi-greyhole.service

Enter the applicable Amahi DB

mysql -u root -phda hda_production

Take a look at the table that needs to be edited then take a note of the id numbers you would like to edit

SELECT * FROM shares;

Once you have the applicable rows you would like to add to, for each id enter this...

UPDATE shares
SET extras = 'dfree command = /usr/bin/greyhole-dfree
vfs objects = greyhole
WHERE id = <id>;

Then exit

At this point I made a change to the visibility of one of the shares in the HDA dashboard (turned off and back on) to be sure that it would push a new copy of smb.conf but I am not positive this was necessary.

Take a look through the entries in the smb.conf

less /etc/samba/smb.conf

If it all looks good then restart Samba, locally mounted shares (if applicable) and Greyhole (I believe in that order):

systemctl start smb.service
service mount_shares_locally start
systemctl start amahi-greyhole.service

Then connect to your shares and make some changes while monitoring the Greyhole log to see if spooling changes occur that Greyhole picks up as you make them.

tail -f /var/log/greyhole.log
Last edited by madhatta on Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cannot save extra parameters

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:42 pm

Interesting. When they settings don’t save, there’s indication of a bigger problem.

It could have to do with the initial install of Amahi or the web browser used.

We are not fans of users manipulating the database. Most don’t have the skills. Also it could break Amahi.

Great that you worked around your issue, but would rather resolve the issue through diagnosis in case there’s a bug. This is the only way we can determine the root cause and correct it.

ONLY advanced users should even consider following this guidance.

Will mark this thread as resolved.
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