Questions about Greyhole Allocations/Utilization

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Questions about Greyhole Allocations/Utilization

Postby jtoone » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:33 pm


I have set up my HDA and have been messing with it for the past couple of weeks. During this process I've managed to mess it up a few times requiring me to reinstall Fedora and Amahi. I have learned not to mess with stuff until I read about it and research how to install/configure it properly.

I recently installed Greyhole because I like the idea of pooling multiple disks together so I won't have to worry about disk space. Then once the older, smaller driver start to show their age, upgrade to some larger spinny drives. I'm just now grasping the concept of a share and how a share may span multiple drives. But I digress....

And some background:
I am trying to get all the HDDs out of my desktop in hopes of converting it to an ITX box. I currently have 2x 250GB WD SE16, 2x 1TB WD Black, 1x 500GB WD Blue and 1x 2TB WD Green. I installed the OS on the Blue and currently have the 250s pooled using Greyhole. My dream is to attach the 2 1TB Blacks in a RAID 0 or 1 array and use the Green for backup. I shoot a lot of gopro footage that sits for a few weeks before I can edit it with Premiere. I currently have my videos on the 2x Blacks set up as RAID 0 on my desktop and they are backed up 3x a week to the WD Green. For editing videos stored on a server I think I'm going to need about 65-80 MB/s in order to not lag and stay somewhat futureproof for 4k+. The videos are usually about 45 mbps which most SATA/USB3 HDDs can handle easily in my experience.

I do have a little bit of music from my ripped CDs, and videos of my completed work that may be good candidates for the Greyhole pool, but other than that, I'm trying to decided whether or not to put the raw video footage I shoot in the pool and edit it from there.

I know I probably shouldn't set up the WD Green in the pool since that's what I want to use to back up the raw videos. (I am in bad shape if I lose and videos before they're edited.) And I don't think I want Premiere using a Greyhole pool as a scratch disk. So should I add 1 of the WD Blacks to the existing 2x250 pool to have 1.5 GB of storage for the raw video files, completed videos and music? Please give me a little insight! Thanks!


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