Security Setup and File Permissions in Amahi

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Security Setup and File Permissions in Amahi

Postby ajaxmike » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:08 am

Amahi is finally installed (wa-hoo, but installing Fedora was a major problem that took over two weeks and a new computer to solve. Ah well, onward).

I can access the shares from my Vista client, create new shares, and map drives -- so far so good. However I want a private directory that the rest of the house can't access. I might also want to create sub-directories with read only access. There doesn't appear to be a way to control access to the setup panel, so it looks like anyone in the house could change permissions there.

I tried using the permissions on the Amahi share with Vista and that seemed to lock the share down. However, it appears possible to override the permissions on the setup panel. I also discovered that a random user was able to access setup and delete my share. YIKES!

I couldn't find any docs on how to control file access and setup looks wide open. How do I set up file permissions and/or lock down the setup panel?
Michael McFarlane
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Re: Security Setup and File Permissions in Amahi

Postby moredruid » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:43 am

Ajaxmike: the security part of the hda/setup page is already discussed somewhere around here and I think a feature request/bug report has already been submitted.
However if you want your own (just yours) share you can use your username: \\hda\<username>
unless someone knows your password they won't be able to access that share.

In another post I saw that you have around 150GB free disk space, you might want to create a new partition and mount that on /home so you'll have more space for your personal stuff.
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Re: Security Setup and File Permissions in Amahi

Postby ajaxmike » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:52 pm

They can't access the share, but they can DELETE it, which is worse. This is my backup machine so I alarmed that someone could accidentally delete my data. One of the reasons I wanted a Linux based server was the increased security. The Amahi setup panel bypasses that security (at least in part). I don't want to crap on the nice folks that are working hard to realize this great idea, so I'll stop carping. Maybe the developers will agree that only authorized administrators should have access to administrative functions and move that feature up the priority list.

Michael McFarlane
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Re: Security Setup and File Permissions in Amahi

Postby cpg » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:03 am

ok. yes, this is starting to bubble to the top of the list.

in the mean time you can use this technique to password protect your setup pages.

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