WHS Migration

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WHS Migration

Postby atwoc » Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:31 pm

After several issues with installing WHS, I was pleased to find Amahi as an alternative.

The most valuable feature of WHS was the nightly backup routine and easy backup management. What is the best way to backup P.C.'s to the server in the Amahi world? I would also like to keep access to the files within the backup, rather than having to restore an entire backup. I am trying Crashplan. What other solutions are people using?

After seeing the Vail release, I'm sure there will be more people moving over. I have a feeling that Microsoft will be ditching the home server strategy in favor of cloud services.

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Re: WHS Migration

Postby radioz » Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:23 pm

I'm not sure what you mean about needing access to the files in the backup.

I've been running Crashplan myself for quite a while, and I'm able to restore a specific file if I need to (boy, this saved my bacon once!).

Are there other features you are looking for?

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