Upgrading Amahi 6 to Amahi 9 - Preserving files?

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Upgrading Amahi 6 to Amahi 9 - Preserving files?

Postby Ianb » Tue May 03, 2016 5:39 am


My old Amahi 6 installation has finally died. It has been poorly for a while, but at the weekend it failed completely. I know the installation was not ideal - the OS was installed to a USB flash drive and that may be where the issue that caused the failure existed.

Anyway, whilst I am rebuilding the machine I'm going to carry out a few upgrades - adding a 60Gb SSD for the OS and a couple of 3Tb HDD's as well as the two 2Tb's installed in the original build.

The question is "Can I retain the data / file structure on the existing 2Tb drives"? These were originally configured as a RAID 1 pair, but I think the RAID fuctionality in Fedora 14 may have failed a while ago. I have a backup from a couple of months ago on a USB HDD, but if I can preserve what is existing on the most up to date of the current drives it would be useful.

The new install will use greyhole, not RAID.

Any advice appreciated.

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