Good Afternoon,
I hope you can assist with this latest issue. Recently upgraded home network with same ISP (Rogers Canada) but new modem and IP service. The modem is similar to those used by Comcast. So the gateway IP has changed from to Amahi cannot connect and I do not see the server on my home network PC's.
I assume i need to change the Gateway IP address on Amahai and have researched the Wiki Forums and found some direction in terms of making changes through Root access but would like to know to proceed as the new IP address is completely differnet than original one. The Wiki comments make reference to changing single digits only and I would like to ensure I do not further break my HDA.
I am gratefull for any assistance or direction you can provide. Thank You.
Ottawa, Canada
SOLVED: New Modem and Gateway Address - Amahi Cannot Connect
Re: New Modem and Gateway Address - Amahi Cannot Connect
I believe what you are looking for is here - ... g_Amahi_11
If your router was not set properly in, your HDA may not have proper network at all. The simplest thing is to change the router to what the HDA expects. If you can't do that, you can do as follows by editing a file:Code: Select all
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
That is an editor. Find the line that has GATEWAY=x.x.x.x ... and change it to match the IP of your gateway. Type Ctrl-X to exit. It will ask you if would like to save the file. Then reboot.Code: Select all
nano ifcfg-en*
Re: New Modem and Gateway Address - Amahi Cannot Connect
Thanks for the prompt reply and reference. Despite my best efforts, following Nano protocols and several attempts the file in question will not save the Gateway IP change. Editing done at SUDO level to no avail. Perhpas this config file cannot be edited in this fashion. To note, I also chaged the file permissions and this made no difference.
Does anybody have additional suggestions or another way forward? Thanks again.
Does anybody have additional suggestions or another way forward? Thanks again.
Re: New Modem and Gateway Address - Amahi Cannot Connect
++Issue Resolved++
Looks like the issue at hand has been sorted. Additional research on the Wiki provided this solution: ... %20command
These instuctions permitted the Config file in question to be edited in terms of the Gateway IP and the changes saved. Voila!
Thanks again. All good for now.
++Issue Resolved++
Looks like the issue at hand has been sorted. Additional research on the Wiki provided this solution: ... %20command
These instuctions permitted the Config file in question to be edited in terms of the Gateway IP and the changes saved. Voila!
Thanks again. All good for now.
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