after a long break i returned to Amahi, but i have a few problems with Amahi's networking.
I recon that Amahi understands itself as your all-in-one home server solution including DHCP and DNS, but that makes it impossible for me to integrate it with my network it seems. Maybe someone has an advice how to solve my situation:
My Home Network:
I am using that IP Range for different reasons and it is not an option to change this. I have a lot of IOT stuff going on and my whole family with a bunch of different devices each as well as a bunch of connected stuff like TVs, Radios and whatnot.
I have a router that acts as my gateway ( and a standalone DHCP/DNS Server ( It is no option to have another device as DHCP/DNS.
The Server i want to run Amahi on is a PC that will get from my DHCP and "DS10.familydomain.local" as DNS, but I would not mind the server going hardwired/static to this very IP - the DNS will lead there anyway.
What I did until my problem started:
I installed Fedora 31 after trouble with the Installation of 27. The trouble was not a 27 problem, but i kept 31 after i solved my issue. Fedora was up and running smoothly, including my network config. I would consider to go back to Fedora 27, but i do not see a problem with the version so far.
I installed Amahi as the step by step guide recommended. That is where the fun began: the online tool that creates my config code did not allow me to set my IP config right, but it promised Amahi will figure it out by itself if something is not right. The installation ended ok, i rebooted and...
My Problem: server virtualy vanished. that means it is unreachable by IP and DNS. No SSH, no https, nothing. The reason was easily found: Amahi changed the network config to the useless stuff i could enter into the online tool and guessed the subnet to be
What I did to try to solve that:
logged in localy and changed the network settings manual using fedora nmcli. after all settings were good, i rebooted. but nothing changed. Amahi has reset my network config again to the useless config it is guessing.
"Ok" I thought and searched the wiki and forum for a way to tell Amahi the correct settings and to disable Amahi's DHCP and DNS. What I learned is that i shall use the Webgui to do so - ha ha nice joke. i cannot reach the webgui. I also found a thread in the forum that goes back to 2014 that told me that the subnet is not optional for Amahi (really?). I found documentations for CLI tools that will allow me to change the IP but not the subnet.
is that so? is Amahi unable to let go of the servers network config? Or is there a way that i just have not found yet? all i would need right now is:
-disable DHCP service from Amahi
-setup the right IP and Subnet for networking, preferably as DHCP Client, but static, if necessary, is ok too.
-disable DNS service from Amahi, but keeping it enabled is ok as it seems that Amahi needs it's own DNS for whatever reason.
Thanks for reading guys