Dynamic DNS - do I need a separate provider to access network devices?

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Dynamic DNS - do I need a separate provider to access network devices?

Postby luco » Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:21 pm

Is it possible to use the *.yourhda.com to access other devices on the network?

Specifically, if I add cameras and would like to access them remotely, their setup wizard is asking to provide a DDNS host/user/password. Instead of signing up for dyn.com etc., is it possible to use the Amahi's external DDNS to access these network devices remotely?

I know that over VPN, I cannot use their internal 192.168.x.x address to access their web UIs. Should I make them static and add them to the Amahi DNS alias table and then access them by typing the DNS name once connected to the VPN?

Thank you.

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