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Manual DNS editing and how Amahi works with ports

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:05 am
by nixel

I'm leaning towards using Amahi only at what it's good at - being a simple NAS and file sharng solution with some simple apps. But I want to also run a lot of other things along side it, manually installed Plex and Subsonic, SVN server and more.

How can harness Amahi's DNS and redirects to ports? How does it choose which app\port to redirect to?

Because under Network - DNS Aliases I only see IPs without ports.
hda -
ampache -

But how does amahi (DNS) distinguish between those apps? 

I'm comfortable with having to edit config files if that's required. I may be new to linux, but unless something takes days to configure, I'm not afraid of digging into it a bit deeper, to set things as I want.
