Network Settings keep resetting on reboot

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Network Settings keep resetting on reboot

Postby speeker » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:46 pm

Hello sorry if this problem has been brought up before in the past, but I did not see it when I checked quickly in the forums.... but here it goes.

I am using Amahi version 6 currently for the greyhole array functionality. I was orriginally using my amahi server as my DNS/DHCP server but I have since started using a PFsense firewall/security gateway for both DNS and DHCP. Since I am no longer using the functionality of DHCP and DNS on amahi I disabled the services and hard coded the new IPv4 settings into the amahi box. Everything was working fine (all other machines on the network work perfectly using these new DNS and gateway settings) with the amahi server until I reboot the machine, each time I reboot the amahi server it reverts back to using its old IPv4 settings (gateway, and DNS get changed) thus making it not able to send or receive WAN traffic. Is their some sort of Amahi specific startup script that has to be modified in order to fix this ?

I have also tried manualy editing the "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" file as root and that does not help the problem

Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Network Settings keep resetting on reboot

Postby moredruid » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:49 am

DHCP can be turned off through the dashboard IIRC, the rest is put into the amahi database and a few config files. You'll need to modify that by hand. It's somewhere on the forum or the wiki I think.
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