Over the last few months, we have been working towards a more flexible app architecture. Possibly support more platforms in the future.
Amahi currently supports Ubuntu and Fedora. We may more easily support other platforms like cloud hosting platforms, more hardware-specific platforms (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard, others), etc.
Today we released this new architecture, in anticipation of the Amahi 7 release. Here is what things will look like now:
- Apps will now be divided in two "parts" -- boilerplate and app versions
- The boilerplate will have that -- the things are descriptive of the app in general and cannot change on each platform
- The "app versions" (for the lack of a better name), contain the details of the app that are specific for each of the various platforms
- There will be one app version per platform. Some of the fields may be similar, e.g. if an app has the same code URL for all platforms, that will be repeated in each version of the app. It may be redundant at times, but very flexible.
- When you install an app, the corresponding app for the platform that your machine is running is selected for installation
Because we have not completed all the work in cleaning things up and fully upgrading the web site, we're temporarily closing the contributor area while we finish the renovation.
Thanks for you for your suggestions and ideas about this long-overdue architectural change as well as your patience while we bring things back online and start supporting more platforms and types of apps!