I am having the same problem as aarondyck:thanks for the paste. this is the error that seems to be starting the cascade of issues:
this is a new one.Code: Select all
file /etc/issue from install of fedora-release-18-1.noarch conflicts with file from package raspberrypi-release-18-7.rpfr18.noarch
possible workaround: maybe remove (with --force and/or --nodeps if needed) the fedora-release-18-1 package and then install (forcing) raspberrypi-release-18-7.rpfr18.noarch and continue with the install?
that may help get things going?
I tried to remove "fedora-release-18-1.noarch" but it doesn't look like it is installed:
Code: Select all
# yum list \*release\*
Installed Packages
hda-release.noarch 6.9.0-1 installed
raspberrypi-release.noarch 18-7.rpfr18 @rasp-pi
raspberrypi-release-notes.noarch 0.2-2.rpfr18 @rasp-pi
Available Packages
fedora-release.noarch 18-1 fedora
fedora-release-notes.noarch 18.0.0-5.fc18 updates
fedora-release-rawhide.noarch 18-1 fedora
generic-release.noarch 18-1 fedora
generic-release-notes.noarch 18-1 fedora
generic-release-rawhide.noarch 18-1 fedora
isorelax.noarch 1:0-0.10.release20050331.fc18 fedora
isorelax-javadoc.noarch 1:0-0.10.release20050331.fc18 fedora
maven-release.noarch 2.2.1-4.fc18 fedora
maven-release-javadoc.noarch 2.2.1-4.fc18 fedora
maven-release-manager.noarch 2.2.1-4.fc18 fedora
maven-release-plugin.noarch 2.2.1-4.fc18 fedora
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases.noarch 0.94-1.fc18 updates
ros-release.noarch 5.0-1.fc18 updates
Other thoughts about workarounds?