Aerhmm... Raspberry Pi supported by Amahi? Neither Ubuntu nor Fedora can be installed on a pi (as far as I know).Any further suggestions on what to do about the Raspberry Pi install?
That stem from the fact that ARM has a number of different architectures, offering limited to no compatibility between each other.
Small overview of leading Linux ARM distributions and the corresponding target architecture:
My raspberry pi:Ubuntu: ARMv7 and up, thumb 2 (32 bit)
Debian: ARMv4t and up (armel) ARMv7 and up (armhf)
Fedora: ARMv5tel (arm) ARMv7hl (armhf)
Arch Linux: ARMv5te or higher
How ever:administrator@strawberry:~$ uname -a
Linux strawberry 3.6.11+ #371 PREEMPT Thu Feb 7 16:31:35 GMT 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux
In case there is a way to install Amahi on a raspberry Pi (I guess raspbian?) I would be really happy to help!