Ok so in order to narrow down the scope of the F18 server name issue I did a complete new install on my bench machine:Yea, I don't recall it asking for a host name when I installed.
1. F18 requires a hostname to be entered during install. I entered "localhost" as this is a default on F18. This maintains compatibility with the /etc/hosts file so that appending the Amahi server name would not be required.
2. I rebooted and the httpd service did not come up, as I expected.
3. I added "ServerName localhost" to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and rebooted.
4. I successfully was able to connect to hda, login, and change the hda account password.
5. Just to be sure I rebooted the server one more time.
6. I was able to connect again.
So it looks like a server name needs to be added to the httpd.conf file? I don't know if this is something that needs to be addressed in the A7 development? If prior Amahi/Fedora releases this was never an issue, is this something new to Fedora?