Mapping server app to test

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Mapping server app to test

Postby spatialguru » Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:10 am

Hi all, I just think I've got the basic package and install of another mapping/geospatial app wrapped up and would appreciate testers. The application is GeoServer. It's not really a "user" focused app - it's used around the world for creating web services for sharing geographic data. I had to tackle a few challenges on this one: java server based (used the built in jetty), runs on port 8080 (of course :P ), and the default URL for the app is really important since it also shares that url with web services.

Thanks to cpg and bigfoot for helping get me going. I haven't packaged an app for years, literally! :)
Would love your feedback and ideas. I created an index page - two of the three links there are a good test to see if it works for you.

WARNING: It's a 50MB package, so be patient :)

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