So after two days

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So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:55 am

Install seems pretty stable but with a couple of quirks.

1. My DCHP leases screen says there are no active leases. This seemed to work right after installing but hasn't since that time. On day 2 it says no leases even though multiple devices are active (and dhcp turned off on router). I never had this issue on fedora where the page was always updated.

2. On the debug page, the app log and the other log page (not system information) are blank. App log had some content on day 1, but empty on day 2. There should have been maybe something in there since I was doing stuff with logitech media server and minidlna so that was a strange one.

3. On day 1 the "disks" page was blank - not reporting any drives. On day 2 this page started working reporting all 4 installed drives along with their temperatures.

4. Have run into some quirks with minidlna that I didn't have on Fedora. When syncing from a windows 7 machine using sync toy, seems like the files are being assigned to root:root rather than username:users so I had to chown everything. After chowning I then had to force minidlna to rebuild its database. I wasn't sure if this was working so I stopped the service, removed the shares listed in the. conf, then started it, re-edited the conf and restarted the service. This seemed to get things moving (heard the disks spin up, conceivably to read the "new" directories I added to minidlna.conf.)

Don't know if this is related to greyhole (which I never used before) or something else. On fedora I had all three disks using an LVM but decided I didn't want to use that setup anymore...but I need to determine if all new synced files are being assigned to root and if so figure out how to change that because I don't want to have to chmod every time I sync new files and such to the server. Basically I need to do some more examination on this one, but nothing was showing up (photos, music or videos) until I did the chown.

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Re: So after two days

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:04 am

Definitely some odd behavior going on here. We have not experienced these sort of issues in the past. Looking forward to finding out the root cause.

Can you describe how you installed Ubuntu and the processes you went through after the Amahi install? That might indicate what could be causing the problems. Some could be Greyhole related, but I would be surprised if it is the root cause.

I presume you followed the installation docs at They have been tested thoroughly and provide the most stable and successful install.
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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:40 am

Is this related to issue #1?

I did follow the instructions as always. None of the issues are really dealbreaking for me to go through and do another install, but we'll see.

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Re: So after two days

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:02 pm

Could be. So far this is an isolated incident, so we are hoping to gather more details to diagnose.

Glad to hear you followed the guidance. Some do not, so just wanted to clarify. Did you use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 12.04.1 LTS?
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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:26 pm

Hrm. Seems like it may have been 12.04.1 LTS - I see that this is in the small print on the Ubuntu download page but not the large print. I downloaded the ISO on Monday. Also using 64-bit. I'll have to see if I can find an ISO for 12.04. Searches for 12.04 all seem to lead to downloads for 12.04.1

I may just try a reinstall tonight. My biggest issue is now difficult it will be to reconfigure greyhole and my shares. I know I need to disconnect the drives before reinstalling, but I need to carefully review the documentation first. I basically want to avoid having to re-copy all of my data.

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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:39 pm

Hmm, it seems impossible to find 12.04 - everything I can find for precise pangolin is 12.04.1.

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Re: So after two days

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:03 pm

I don't think 12.04 vs 12.04.1 is the issue. A reinstall might solve some of the problems. Maybe the initial install did not complete correctly.

As for Greyhole, there is some guidance in the wiki about migrating drives to a new install. You should not need to copy any data, Greyhole should handle it all.

You could check the install log for Amahi. It's located in root folder and called hda-install-xxxxx.log. There may be some evidence of problems there.
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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:17 pm

Ok that's good to know that .1 shouldn't be causing any issues. I'll check the logs for anything and see if I can get to a reinstall tonight.

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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:06 pm

Reinstalled tonight and decided to use ubuntu server.

Still tells me there are no DHCP leases but everything else seems ok.


X11 forwarding doesn't seem to work for CrashPlanDesktop now, so I'm not sure what to do about that.

from /var/log/auth.log

Code: Select all

Sep 25 23:04:20 hda sudo: myusername : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/var/log ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/CrashPlanDesktop Sep 25 23:04:20 hda sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by rgrech(uid=1000) Sep 25 23:04:20 hda sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root myusername@hda:/var/log$ Sep 25 23:04:20 hda sudo: rgrech : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/var/log ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/CrashPlanDesktop Sep 25 23:04:20 hda sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root

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Re: So after two days

Postby richgrech » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:58 pm


X-forwarding won't work with ubuntu server unless you first install gnome-core

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install gnome-core

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