Painful transfer speeds

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Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:40 am

Painful transfer speeds

Postby itrepublic » Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:47 am

Hello everyone!

I recently installed amahi (this isn't the first time i did) and now i've ran into a problem
I have a WD My Passport ultra 1.0TB USB3.0 external HDD, when i used it in the past i had 10MB/s transfer speed in both directions via samba and 50MB/s write 120MB/s read if i used a USB3.0 port regardless of the OS. Last time i didn't have a system with USB3.0 (i used a laptop and it's USB3.0 port was broken) but now i do. i've upgraded the system to a Sony Vaio SVS1312R9EB laptop (screen doesn't work so there's that) witch has Gigabit Ethernet, USB3.0, 8GB Ram, Intel Core i5 3.0GHz (forgot the model but it holds up gaming very well). when i used that laptop with that HDD i had 100MB/s W and 250MB/s R, sharing it from windows i had ~100MB/s (real MB/s) transfer speeds.
Now, my specific problem is as follows: My transfer speed is PAINFULLY slow 0.5-2MB/s R/W and varies over time. haven't done anything to anything, just installed qbittorrent, netdata and disk utility from it's app store. what's the issue and how can i solve it?

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Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:39 am

Re: Painful transfer speeds

Postby srinivaskolla » Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:43 am

Are you able to solve your problem? I am having the same issue.

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