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CLOSED: Samba won't run

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:41 pm
by Greyoregano
Hi, I was hoping to get some help on a problem I have encountered. It is similar to this thread (didn't want to necro it)

I installed VNC and it seems to have caused Samba to stop running. Following what was suggested in the thread here is the install log file (the relevant part I think)

Code: Select all

======= app install begin @ 2015-01-04 21:14:20 -0500 ========== Installing app id k7q32dwinp under /var/hda/platform/html/script/.. ENV=production /var/hda/platform/html/lib/command.rb:44:in `run_now': hda-ctl does not appear to be running! (RuntimeError) from /var/hda/platform/html/lib/platform.rb:379:in `pkginstall' from /var/hda/platform/html/lib/platform.rb:197:in `install' from /var/hda/platform/html/app/models/app.rb:394:in `install_pkg_deps' from /var/hda/platform/html/app/models/app.rb:191:in `install_bg' from /var/hda/platform/html/script/install-app:86:in `install_or_uninstall' from /var/hda/platform/html/script/install-app:107:in `main' from /var/hda/platform/html/script/install-app:119:in `<main>' ======= app install begin @ 2015-01-04 21:24:13 -0500 ========== Installing app id k7q32dwinp under /var/hda/platform/html/script/.. ENV=production ======= app install begin @ 2015-01-04 21:28:01 -0500 ========== Installing app id k7q32dwinp under /var/hda/platform/html/script/.. ENV=production ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@4.service' '/etc/systemd/system/' App: VNC installed ======= app install end @ 2015-01-04 21:33:26 -0500 ==========
I also tried to look at the /var/log/samba/smbd.log file but it returned permission denied. I'm not sure what I did wrong there as I'm not very adept with fedora.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:26 am
by bigfoot65
I have seen this problem with a few users. The best thing to do is try uninstalling VNC and reboot. Then try installing again. If it still does not work, check the log file once again.

This should also correct the Samba issue.

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:31 am
by WiFiNetGuy
Thought I'd chime in here, too.

I had the same problem: A7 (Fedora) running fine. Installed VNC and both it and Samba entered a stopped state and wouldn't start. So I tried to uninstall the VNC app and then reinstall. No go, still same issue. Then I did a yum update. That fixed the samba issue but VNC remained in a stopped, unstartable state. So I uninstalled the VNC app again. Samba stayed up. Then I reinstalled VNC again. This time, both samba and VNC stayed up. If this changes I'll update my post. But so far so good.

Hope this is helpful.

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:53 pm
by Greyoregano
Update: I uninstalled and re-installed VNC and re-started the server and everything is up and running again except (there always has to be an except doesn't there... ) the way I used to access my files was through windows explorer. Now I can't, it doesn't even show the HDA as being part of the network. I can however see my files through VNC (being a noob with not a lot of time, I haven't tried or figured out how I would be able to access these). Any ideas as to why or how I can fix this?

Thanks for all your help and patience so far. Just as a fyi, I run a business (restaurant) and time is at a premium, that is why it can be days between updates.

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:37 am
by WiFiNetGuy
Hmmmm.....I had a similar problem, and that's how I found out that my Samba server wasn't actually running. I believe that if you can't access the files via Windows Explorer then the Samba server isn't running. I'm certainly no expert but it requires the Samba server to be running before you'll be able to see the shares with WE.

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:25 pm
by Greyoregano
As an update: WiFiNetGuy was right, I discovered shortly after I posted that Samba was in fact not running. I made the decision to re-install (the easy way out) due to the fact that a) don't seem to have a lot of time lately and b) I bought a new/bigger hard drive to install on the machine. I was getting scared that the old hard drives were going to crap out on me as they were 7+ years old and held all of our family pictures.

Things are running smoothly since the re-install. Will be that way until I decide to screw around with the apps/settings :)

Re: Samba won't run

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:47 pm
by carnaghiarquitectura
Thought I'd chime in here, too.

I had the same problem: A7 (Fedora) running fine. Installed VNC and both it and Samba entered a stopped state and wouldn't start. So I tried to uninstall the VNC app and then reinstall. No go, still same issue. Then I did a yum update. That fixed the samba issue but VNC remained in a stopped, unstartable state. So I uninstalled the VNC app again. Samba stayed up. Then I reinstalled VNC again. This time, both samba and VNC stayed up. If this changes I'll update my post. But so far so good.

Hope this is helpful.
Had same problem when installing VCN... im really new to this, could you please tell my whats the command i have to tipe to make a yum update of the os?

Re: CLOSED: Samba won't run

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:07 pm
by bigfoot65
As root user or precede with sudo

Code: Select all

yum update
BTW, if you do the following before installing VNC, you will have no issues:

Code: Select all

yum install @gnome
Due to all the problems we have been experiencing with VNC, it has been moved to ALPHA status. Those who have purchased it can still install, but future purchases of it from the Amahi store have been suspended.

The initial install of the app requires it install 685 packages which is why it's not working the first time. Sometimes the second attempt works, but in order to update/install all the required packages you have to execute the command above to install the Gnome desktop manually. This amount of packages is a bit more than the Amahi installer is capable of handling without a script time out.

We don't have one yet. The best avenue right now is to install @gnome manually as noted above, then install the VNC app. This is only a work around and until we can find a permanent solution, the app will no longer be available for purchasel.

Re: CLOSED: Samba won't run

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:22 pm
by carnaghiarquitectura
Trying to solved it I read in the forum that it was a common problem and that updating os could solved it. I uninstall vcn and samba didn’t worked so I use “yum -y update” command, not shure if it is the same command as "yum update", and now my samba server it’s on and working ... the problem now is that all my shares that were on my greyhole drive pool are not accessible via windows.. i can create new shares and view the shares that were outside my greyhole pool (they are in a separate HDD) ... the weird thing is that for example I can stream my music with plex and that share is on the drive pool and also I can view all my files and shares if I use the amahi android app on my cell phone....
I can’t find anything on the forum regarding this problem… I would appreciate a lot if u could help me out, I think the problem is with samba or windows… I have 2 pc and both with the same problem.

Re: CLOSED: Samba won't run

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:27 pm
by bigfoot65
See if you can access the shares in Windows via the run command box and enter \\hda.