sharing USB drive on amahi machine across network

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Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:50 am

sharing USB drive on amahi machine across network

Postby mfacer » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:49 am

I've got my amahi machine up and running. I have a USB drive plugged in to it which is mounted. I can view the contents in /media/Elements

I can see that through upnp as it's in the uShare config. BUT... I have a WDTV box which for some reason sees all my MKV files as MPG files. But that's not my issue... issue is that I am trying to get the USB drive shared as a NFS now. From the WDTV I want to mount the drive on my amahi machine.

So my WDTV is - I then want to mount on that device to the amahi USB drive. The amahi box is

Yet when I try


it cannot find it. How do I get an NFS share set up properly from my amahi box?
Thanks for any info!

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Re: sharing USB drive on amahi machine across network

Postby toothandnail » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:07 am

I've never tried to mount a removable drive as an NFS share, so some of this is theoriecal....

First, the mount command needs a type argument:

Code: Select all

mount -t nfs<sharename>
If the nfs utilities are not running, it will also need arguments, the standard one being '-o nolock' to allow mounting without file locking.

You also need a destination for the mount - on another Linux machine it would be something like this:

Code: Select all

mount -t nfs<sharename> /mnt/<mount-point-name>
And you need to create the destination directory.

Next, you need to prepare the Amahi machine to share using NFS. So far as I know, this is not enabled by defaults. There are three files that need to be set up - /etc/exports, /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. There are a number of guides to setting up an NFS server around - have a look here:

You would also need to check whether the NFS daemon is running on the Amahi server, and, if not, make sure it is running and started on boot.


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