Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

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Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

Postby surfrock66 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:05 pm

If this is the wrong place for this question lemme know; I didn't see a better spot for storage questions.

My HDA basically got stuck, and I couldn't figure out why. It kept giving me errors about almost being out of free space, which didn't pass my sniff test. It turns out, my space was fine, but the system is reading my free space incorrectly due to mounted NFS shares from my FreeNAS box.

I'm running Amahi 14 with a raided 2TB system inside it, then I have the FreeNAS box with 5TB in a ZFS pool mirrored. 7TB total, 2 on the HDA, 5 on the NAS. I have a bunch of folders simply stored remotely, specifically:

/home/surfrock66/Videos <- likely 2.4TB
/home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_documents <- Document backup, likely around 20GB
/home/surfrock66/,sr66_nas_pictures <- Pictures backup, likely around 70GB

The last 2 were made yesterday to clear off free space...they're about 150GB total.

If I leave the NAS off so that the /etc/fstab doesn't pull the NFS shares, suddenly my whole file system is only 360 GB. Here's a "du -c --max-depth=1" of my home folder:

Code: Select all

[surfrock66@sr66-blade ~]$ du -c --max-depth=1 1136 ./Desktop 4 ./.themes 84 ./.macromedia 25264 ./.dropbox 23197152 ./Documents 8 ./.mplayer 4 ./Books1 432 ./.pulse 996 ./.gstreamer-0.10 10213096 ./.bitcoin 316780 ./.config 54287160 ./0.Jenn.HP.Backup.2013.02.04 74289340 ./Pictures 9452 ./.minecraft 84 ./.gconfd 4 ./Games1 16 ./.adobe 36 ./.pki 4 ./.dropbox-dist-new 545396 ./.ccache 4 ./.nautilus 4 ./.orc 8 ./.icedteaplugin 388 ./.gimp-2.6 12 ./.gnote 52 ./.easytag 4 ./.sr66_nas_documents 16 ./.audacity-data 1756 ./.gconf 40730208 ./Downloads 488 ./.gnome2 8 ./Videos 204 ./.fontconfig 407868 ./.cache 12 ./Games 4 ./.hplip 4 ./.icons 4 ./Books 182748 ./.thumbnails 4 ./.sr66_nas_pictures 97024 ./.tor 3348 ./ 4 ./Public 32 ./.ffmpeg 168 ./.sr66_amahi_configs 36 ./.filezilla 4 ./.gnome2_private 5344 ./.local 4 ./Webcam 32 ./.dbus 4 ./.qt 1778132 ./CloudStorage 28 ./.vnc 20 ./.tvtime 0 ./.gvfs 16 ./.ssh 12 ./.netx 55325752 ./Music 16 ./.gnupg 12 ./.putty 103204772 ./Projects 12 ./.mission-control 50700 ./.dropbox-dist 365349932 . 365349932 total
Notice, roughly 350GB, nothing spectacular.

When I mount the NAS...all kinds of things go haywire and the system thinks I have about 120GB free.

This is my /etc/fstab file:

Code: Select all

# # /etc/fstab # Created by anaconda on Thu Oct 6 23:32:01 2011 # # Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk' # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info # UUID=83eef677-28fa-4f00-b7bb-cc6b5dcb120e / ext4 defaults 1 1 UUID=3797979b-f3d1-4ff9-aaba-136c9ef231e7 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2 UUID=c33be4e2-fb1e-4089-ac18-79faf4262650 swap swap defaults 0 0 UUID=3230ff04-19a6-4607-8b34-c4754830e09e swap swap defaults 0 0 tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 /home/surfrock66/Videos nfs defaults 0 0 /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_documents nfs defaults 0 0 /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_pictures nfs defaults 0 0 /home/surfrock66/Books nfs defaults 0 0 /home/surfrock66/Games nfs defaults 0 0
What can I do to make the system see the free space as it should correctly?

One last thing...if I ever lose the NAS, I have a remount script I use from time to time:

Code: Select all

#!/bin/bash sudo mount /home/surfrock66/Videos sudo mount /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_documents sudo mount /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_pictures sudo mount /home/surfrock66/Games sudo mount /home/surfrock66/Books

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Re: Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

Postby radioz » Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:29 pm

Can you show us the exact error message? Was it in a log file?

How about show us the output of 'df -h'.

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Re: Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

Postby surfrock66 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:07 pm

It kind of came out of nowhere...gnome popup that the disc was full.

With the drives mounted, here's the output of that command:

Code: Select all

[surfrock66@sr66-blade ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/md0 1.8T 362G 1.4T 21% / tmpfs 2.0G 2.4M 2.0G 1% /dev/shm /dev/sda1 243M 63M 167M 28% /boot 4.5T 2.7T 1.8T 60% /home/surfrock66/Videos 4.5T 2.7T 1.8T 60% /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_documents 4.5T 2.7T 1.8T 60% /home/surfrock66/.sr66_nas_pictures 4.5T 2.7T 1.8T 60% /home/surfrock66/Games 4.5T 2.7T 1.8T 60% /home/surfrock66/Books
For's the du with the NAS mounted:

Code: Select all

[surfrock66@sr66-blade ~]$ du -c --max-depth=1 1136 ./Desktop 4 ./.themes 84 ./.macromedia 25264 ./.dropbox 23197152 ./Documents 8 ./.mplayer 4 ./Books1 432 ./.pulse 996 ./.gstreamer-0.10 10229412 ./.bitcoin 317412 ./.config 54287160 ./0.Jenn.HP.Backup.2013.02.04 74289340 ./Pictures 9452 ./.minecraft 84 ./.gconfd 4 ./Games1 16 ./.adobe 36 ./.pki 4 ./.dropbox-dist-new 545396 ./.ccache 4 ./.nautilus 4 ./.orc 8 ./.icedteaplugin 388 ./.gimp-2.6 12 ./.gnote 52 ./.easytag 23264204 ./.sr66_nas_documents 16 ./.audacity-data 1756 ./.gconf 40730208 ./Downloads 488 ./.gnome2 2457283906 ./Videos 204 ./.fontconfig 413404 ./.cache 115554400 ./Games 4 ./.hplip 4 ./.icons 68392234 ./Books 182748 ./.thumbnails 205893899 ./.sr66_nas_pictures 97024 ./.tor 3348 ./ 4 ./Public 32 ./.ffmpeg 168 ./.sr66_amahi_configs 36 ./.filezilla 4 ./.gnome2_private 5344 ./.local 4 ./Webcam 32 ./.dbus 4 ./.qt 1778132 ./CloudStorage 28 ./.vnc 20 ./.tvtime 0 ./.gvfs 16 ./.ssh 12 ./.netx 55325752 ./Music 16 ./.gnupg 12 ./.putty 103204772 ./Projects 12 ./.mission-control 50700 ./.dropbox-dist 3235874610 . 3235874610 total
Lemme see if it happens on reboot

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Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 8:29 am

Re: Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

Postby surfrock66 » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:57 am

Naturally now it's working fine. I'll re-post if it happens again; the issue was a gnome popup saying "you have under 200GB of free space left," then nautilus reported 120GB free, then the system just repeatedly crashed until I restarted the HDA with the NAS off.

I guess for my etc/fstab modifications and my script commands make sense, is there anything there syntactically in the way those are mounting that could cause the drivespace issue to recur?

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Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 8:29 am

Re: Problem: Free Space Measurement with NFS Mount?

Postby surfrock66 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:52 am

Figured it out...I had someone trying to get into my VNC session brute force, and they never got the password, but every failed attempt was being logged in ~/.xsession-errors (and then moved to ~/.xsession-errors-old). This file was over 500GB.

I've since iptables blocked the offending IP's.

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