Greyhole Database is Huge

Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:57 am

Greyhole Database is Huge

Postby olson » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:39 pm


I just noticed my amahi OS drive is full. I did a bunch of "du -sh ./*" and found that its my greyhole database. I probably have less than 1000 files (probably less than 500) in my greyhole pool but my database size is 13 gig...

Is that right? Why so big?

Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:57 am

Re: Greyhole Database is Huge

Postby olson » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:59 pm

Ok, so the tasks_completed table in the database is 12 gig... so thats the problem it looks like.

Is this supposed to be cleaned up once in a while?

Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:57 am

Re: Greyhole Database is Huge

Postby olson » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:55 pm

Ok, so I basically used a command that I found here: ... es/sql.php (this wasn't added till version 0.9.30...see:

Code: Select all

DELETE FROM tasks_completed WHERE event_date < NOW() - INTERVAL %d DAY;
Replace %d with a number... in my case 5. So keep the last 5 days worth of stuff.

You'll never guess what was making the db so big.... Mindjet. I had mindjet put most of its application data on there. So it was constantly doing cache writes to the greyhole pool even when the software was running. I checked the database, it has over 2000 database writes in under 2 minutes....

So... don't put something in a greyhole pool that will be written thousands of times a second...

Also, since this filled up my drive, I had to:

- copy the database files from /var/lib/mysql/greyhole to a different hard drive
- symlink from /var/lib/mysql/greyhole to that new location on the other hard drive
- reboot
- remove crap from greyhole database (see above)
- (optional) move greyhole db back.

I ended up leaving my greyhole db on the other drive so I don't have this issue again. Also that other drive is using snapraid so its backed up better. I need to get my amahi os backed up as well.

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