looking for guidance concerning system partition

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looking for guidance concerning system partition

Postby rcrh » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:27 am

So I've had to rebuild my Amahi server and am in the midst of moving around 10tb of data back to the storage pool. I did the rebuild with the defaults of the express CD and only one, 2tb drive in the server. This gave me a system partition of roughly 49gig and a storage partition of 1.7TB.

As I move data off of each of my drives I'll add the then empty drive to the pool.

However, I've noticed that as I add files to the pool that my available space on my system drive is decreasing. I'm assuming that this is for tombstones. I'm concerned about how much space I'll ultimately need for this considering the amount of data I'm putting in the pool. Ultimately I could end up with 14 2tb drives. With full duplication that 14tb of data.

So, my question: Is there some guideline I can follow to ensure I have a large enough system drive?

Secondarily I'm concerned that during this initial transfer of data I can only move about 40g at a time and then I have to run "greyhold --f" to force the files off of my system partition. Is there anything I can do about that during this phase? Once I'm in "normal" operations a 40gig landing zone is final. But right now I'm trying to move hundreds of gigs at a time.

Thanks for any help and guidance anyone can offer.

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Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:06 am

Re: looking for guidance concerning system partition

Postby HHCosmin » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:27 am

if i understand correctly you had another instance of amahi running and you had to reinstall amahi (and fedora). if you did that you do not have to get all the data copied through the landing zone. the data disks have the structure already and it's easy (given you know what u do) to put them in the pool.
read this http://wiki.amahi.org/index.php/Greyhol ... _.2F_Amahi
basically you just have to plug the drives, use hda-diskmount and then do the changes in the etc/fstab file. (not for the noob folk)
i did the move you thought, like using the os disk for the os, landing zone and also making a partition for data to put it in the pool. i did that and i think it's best to have a smaller drive to put the os and landing zone. this disk won't be used for pool. i think this keeps things simpler.

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