Mount NAS for Greyhole pool?

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Mount NAS for Greyhole pool?

Postby robjective » Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:18 pm

I've done some research and think I know what I want to do, but I don't want to bork my system, since everything is running properly. I'm trying to cobble this together with various pieces.

This is slightly off the main topic, but it should be a simple answer. I successfully added a second drive yesterday. /hda/files/* is on the main drive and I just want to use Greyhole to duplicate the /hda/files/* onto the second drive. On the Storage Pool page, I ticked both the "/" box and the "/var/files/drives/drive1" box. Is it correct that both boxes should be ticked? (Yes, I have configured the shares I want pooled on the "Shares" tab and the "Storage/Partitions" page shows that data was copied to the empty drive.)

Okay, now I would like to back up the same shares to a third drive, which is a WD Netcenter NAS on my LAN. What I'm thinking is that if I create a mount point, then I can run the "hda-diskmount" command to get UUID, and add that to /etc/fstab, just like I did for the 2nd HDD.

Someone with the same device did something similar with rsync for Ubuntu a few years ago so modifying it to work with Amahi mount points, I think I would need to this:

Code: Select all

mount //WD-NETCENTER/Shared_Files /dev/nas smbfs [b][color=#FF0040]parameters I'm not sure of[/color][/b]
One of the other things I'm not sure about is that my NAS isn't set up for credentials right now. It can be, if it needs to be to make things work, but at the moment, it isnt.

Once it's mounted, I follow the wiki again and I run "hda-diskmount" and get the UUID.
Then, I add the UUID to /etc/fstab using nano.
Then, I "mount -a"


Reason for edit: not sure why BBCode didn't work. Maybe it can't be nested? I was trying to draw attention to the fact that I'm not sure what extra parameters should be included in the mount command.

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Re: Mount NAS for Greyhole pool?

Postby gboudreau » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:09 pm

1. Yes, you do need both partitions selected, to have two copies of your files.

2. You currently can't add remote file systems into your greyhole storage pool. It should work, but there is a bug in Samba that prevents us from using symlinks pointing to remote Samba shares, and since Greyhole does use symlinks, it causes a problem.
This is why Amahi won't let you add such mounts in your storage pool.
Only real hard drives can be selected in the storage pool page.
- Guillaume Boudreau

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Re: Mount NAS for Greyhole pool?

Postby robjective » Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:14 pm

Thank you for saving me hours of frustration and discouragement. I'll see if I can figure it out with rsync then.

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Re: Mount NAS for Greyhole pool?

Postby kriskumar » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:51 am

Any updates on this? Has the symlink issue been resolved?

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