VPN custom certificates
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:51 pm
Let me start for the fact that i'm a complete noob in command line OS's matter's.
That said, i actually managed to install amaze, configure the VPN and the transaction to amahi server and everything went smoothly.
But now i'm trying to custom the openvpn certificates so that i can access the server via VPN at the same time other client's do it.
I've already read the entire amahi / openvpn wiki's /how to's and every single step by step guide to try to do this.
Nevertheless i haven't managed to understand (remember that for me, command line is like a picasso board) how to do it, because the amahi wiki in this matter is outdated.
I've found this https://www.commscentral.net/tech/?post=48 which is the closest to easy-rsa 3 i've found but it's still very confusing and i can't understand how to manage to do it..
Is there any guide how to accomplish this at the time?
Let me start for the fact that i'm a complete noob in command line OS's matter's.
That said, i actually managed to install amaze, configure the VPN and the transaction to amahi server and everything went smoothly.
But now i'm trying to custom the openvpn certificates so that i can access the server via VPN at the same time other client's do it.
I've already read the entire amahi / openvpn wiki's /how to's and every single step by step guide to try to do this.
Nevertheless i haven't managed to understand (remember that for me, command line is like a picasso board) how to do it, because the amahi wiki in this matter is outdated.
I've found this https://www.commscentral.net/tech/?post=48 which is the closest to easy-rsa 3 i've found but it's still very confusing and i can't understand how to manage to do it..
Is there any guide how to accomplish this at the time?