Can't Login to my VPN

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Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:22 am

Can't Login to my VPN

Postby moorebrb » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:26 am

I cant login to my amahi VPN from outside the network, upon further inspection in the control panel, the VPN connection is Inactive, and it gives a link to the amahi wiki to "Enable it now!" but the only instructions are to opent the port which I have done and to have a client as well, this has just recently stopped functioning. I can provide more information upon questioning very tired from reading and testing what could be wrong, so I cant think all too straight while typing this :shock: please help in anyway possible, I love amahi, just cant figure out what to do thanks guys :oops:

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Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:56 am

Re: Can't Login to my VPN

Postby drstrange » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:43 am

I am having the same problem, did you manage to find a solution?

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:17 pm

Re: Can't Login to my VPN

Postby rednus » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:32 am

Both.. I din't get into any such problems so far.. you can try the following steps

1. From outside the network, trying to ping ""
2. If step 1 did or did not work, do this step goto your profile, check what ip address is reported against your hda, then cross check that address with the WAN IP of your Internet modem/router - They should be the same - otherwise there is an issue

Now that your dns reaches upto the gates of your home.. we need to see if you are allowed to get in

3. Check your port forwarding is working.. I cant check it for you, so if you can post your router's screenshot we can verify, when posting the image, blur sensitive data...
4. If you think port forwarding setup is good, then check your router access logs.. anything to do with VPN port..
5. nothing found in the logs aswell.. try "traceroute -p 1194" (This is a linux command, find equivalent of windows)

Now if steps 3 and 4 are good, but 5 is not.. that means there is a way to get into the house... but there is no one to answer the bell... i.e. there is a problem with vpn service on amahi...

I would suggest do these steps and get back to the forum.. we always here to help (and get help)..

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