Web apps proxy not accessing apps

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Web apps proxy not accessing apps

Postby figtreehouse » Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:05 am

My web apps proxy was working fine until I made some (what I thought were unrelated) changes to my IPSec VPN setup.

The DynDNS (user.yourhda.com) then accessed my HDA control panel until I re-added (it disappeared for some reason) the DynDNS address as an alias of the app via the interface (advanced settings enabled, through Apps>Webapps>apps-proxy>New Alias), as I didn't have a way of accessing the server via SSH as I was accessing the interface through the DynDNS in the first place.

The alias works, and redirects me to the App Proxy, but when I choose an app out of the menu a 404 error occurs, the error message reading "The requested URL /<Insert app name here>/ was not found on this server."

Any ideas as to what might cause this issue?

Many thanks.

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