Plex Conflicting with DLNA?

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Plex Conflicting with DLNA?

Postby surfrock66 » Mon May 20, 2013 10:25 pm

I'll start off fully admitting I didn't do this in such a way to make debugging easy...I'm just going to recount my experience and I can provide info by request.

I've had the default Amahi DLNA app (this one ) installed for a while, with all of my media encoded to x264 and aac, organized like the following:
Home Movies
Anyway, all worked well, except it didn't ever show up on my Roku 1. So Plex comes along, and I'd tried it when it was beta with the last development effort to no it worked, so I ran with it. I turned the Plex DLNA server off.

Plex wouldn't see much of my media; specifically the TV shows and MMA, which of course is a consequence of the inflexible plex media scanner, but who cares. If I really wanted to watch something, I could add a dump folder and just move things in when I wanted to watch them.

Then I went downstairs and tried to watch something on my Xbox 360 over dice. Wouldn't work. I log into the Amahi dashboard, go to settings->servers...Plex is on, DLNA is off. I restart DLNA...Plex goes off. I can't get them both to go green at the same time.

So...DLNA is more important to me than Plex, so I left Plex off. Anyone else seeing this...and what would the path be to a log file that would be useful?

Posts: 34
Joined: Sun May 27, 2012 6:56 am

Re: Plex Conflicting with DLNA?

Postby prodriguezii » Wed May 22, 2013 3:50 pm

I installed PLEX outside of Amahi (non-app version) and it worked fine for me with DLNA. Of course I can't share much more than that as I have dismantled that machine.

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