Im a bit sad.
It started with the upgrade to amahi 6. First there was no apps then I had to pay for the apps. The paying part was just something i missed and i think its ok, if its good ill pay for it. Today i found that finally the AmahiTunes had come. One of the apps I really would like.
I tried to get it to work in amahi 5 but with no luck. So i thought there had been some change and with the payment part that it would now work. But I was wrong. Has anyone this app really up and running?
I want this feature really bad. I was hoping not to start using virtualisation or even by a macserver. Maybe ill try the webbased players but this app would be great.
What I've done so far:
In my music share there are only folders, mp3, m4p and mp4 files
Rebooted the system.
Restarted the AmahiTunes server.
The music share are visible and i can se the files in finder on my MacOSX.
In the mt-daapd page. From the status page
Configuration Updated
admin password mt-daapd
mp3 password
service status control
Rendezvous Stopped Start MDNS Server
DAAP Server Running Stop DAAP Server
Background scanner Idle Start Scan
uptime 5 hours, 56 minutes, 39 seconds
songs 562
songs served 0
db version 680
I cant start the MDNS server but i dont even know what that does.
From the log file
2011-03-08 14:07:00: Starting rendezvous daemon
2011-03-08 14:07:00: Client running
2011-03-08 14:07:00: Current database version: 8
2011-03-08 14:07:00: Starting signal handler
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Loading playlists
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Initializing database
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Starting mp3 scan
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Starting web server from /usr/share/mt-daapd/admin-root on$
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Registering rendezvous names
2011-03-08 14:07:01: Scanned 562 songs in 1 seconds
2011-03-08 14:17:03: Rescanning database
The amahitunes page says 0 song.
The files are under 1000.
When i press the link to the share it mounts fine.
Now im really lost dont know what to do with this. The wiki doesnt say much more. What to do?
I cant get this app to run. Has anyone it really working?
Re: I cant get this app to run. Has anyone it really working
It worked for me with a few tunes, then I upgraded to six and loaded several thousands mp3s in. It's still running and reports "too many to show", but it gets the number wrong, and searching doesn't seem to work.
Re: I cant get this app to run. Has anyone it really working
What tunes did you do?It worked for me with a few tunes, then I upgraded to six and loaded several thousands mp3s in. It's still running and reports "too many to show", but it gets the number wrong, and searching doesn't seem to work.
the "too many to show" problem i read somewhere in this forum. Think the solution was to edit the php file for the program.
Re: I cant get this app to run. Has anyone it really working
i have the same thing but iTunes seems to see all the songsIt worked for me with a few tunes, then I upgraded to six and loaded several thousands mp3s in. It's still running and reports "too many to show", but it gets the number wrong, and searching doesn't seem to work.
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