Plex encoding questions

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Plex encoding questions

Postby ambient711 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:41 pm

I am using Plex and I cant seem to figure out where the files that are encoded/created are kept.

The back story is, I am using greyhole, so everything is mounted locally (/mnt/samba) and I noticed from another thread that to get Plex to find the files one needs to point Plex at /var/hda/files , which I know is dangerous because if Plex writes or deletes then it can orphan files.

So I recently tested the encoding capabilities that Plex uses when making something offline for lets say a mobile device. I did this to find that there is additional converted or encoded files(not even hidden), and there doesn't seem to be any kind of log that might show where the file was stored (I could be missing something though). Thanks


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Re: Plex encoding questions

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:50 pm

Suggest you check out the Plex web site. I am sure the have forums or a wiki with the answer.
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