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Postby jaredprice » Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:30 pm

First, let me confess that I am VERY new to Amahi (installed it last night with patient help of cpg.) Second, I know that there is a great deal that I don't know about video streaming, including details with regard to transcoding. That being said, I am specifically looking for a way to be able to playback video files on an iPod Touch or iPhone without having to decide in advance which ones I want to transcode in advance, load into iTunes, sync to my device, and fill up the limited storage capacity on my device.

In search of a way to do this that MIGHT be within my grasp of understanding. (I am only knowledgeable enough to be dangerous when it comes to Linux, with Ubuntu being the distribution I have the most exposure to.) That being said, I ran across a fairly new project called "JapelServer" which seems like it might be just the sort of thing that could do the trick (http://japelserver.ws4gl.org/). Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge of this software? I may try installing it on my Ubuntu system to see what I can figure out, but thought it was worth a shot to see if anyone has tried it.

Thanks in advance for any feedback (even if it is just to say, "Nope, haven't tried it.")


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Re: JapelServer

Postby renman » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:36 pm

I'm in the same situation you are. Right now, I have to use handbrake to transcode on my XP machine. I have a Karmic installation on a laptop, I may try this out and see what's on the up and up.

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Re: JapelServer

Postby cpg » Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:42 pm

this does look interesting, and fitting for amahi.

judging from the fact that it uses the gstreamer framework, it may very well be easy to support in amahi, as fedora (and rpmfusion) have a lot of the gstreamer packages, including plugins!

we need a hand in trying (and maintaining) apps ... so please do report how it works for you!

maybe start a page in the wiki for this app!
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