I have cloned the AmahiAnywhere project for ios using the repo "https://github.com/amahi/ios.git"
Now, after logging in to the app, i am getting the error of "You may need to get dev credentials to be able to properly login into amahi.org. Get them from support at amahi dot org. Then remove this line".
I am not sure, from where to get the credentials details. Asked in IRC, but there was no reply.
Is it linked with HDA setup? Please help!
The credentials are used in following code in ApiConfig.swift. Need these to get the data from server:
static func oauthCredentials(username: String, password: String) -> [String : String] {
let parameters = ["client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET,
"username" : username,
"password" : password ]
fatalError("You may need to get dev credentials to be able to properly login into amahi.org." +
"Get them from support at amahi dot org. Then remove this line")
return parameters
Server credentials for AmahiAnywhere
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