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Upgraded Fedora Kernel - Automatic Updates now also ON?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:53 pm
by Dixxhead
Hi guys,

today I decided to update the Kernel and all of the packages on my HDA (Amahi 10); it all worked without problems, but I guess now the autoupdates are also enabled...

Since I'm sort of weary to have Fedora beeing updated without me having control over this (ie. making a backup of the OS-Drive before updating), I'm wondering if I can and should revert back to disabled updates.

Am I right in the assumption, that the Amahi-Team basicly just did the following for the standard config (Amahi Updates on; Fedore Updates off):
To disable dnf-makecache.service:

systemctl disable dnf-makecache.service
Also disable the dnf-makecache.timer or the service will be restarted:

systemctl disable dnf-makecache.timer
If yes, I assume I won't lose the automatic amahi updates if I do this, right?

Thanks for your help in advance,

Re: Upgraded Fedora Kernel - Automatic Updates now als ON?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:32 pm
by bigfoot65
If yes, I assume I won't lose the automatic amahi updates if I do this, right?
You may.

I have automatic updates enabled on mine using a package called yum-cron. It allows you to control OS updates. I have mine set to download, but not install. Also sends me an email when there are update.

Works quite well for me and no need to configure after a kernel update.

Re: Upgraded Fedora Kernel - Automatic Updates now als ON?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:58 am
by Dixxhead
Thanks for the quick reply.

So just to recap:
  • I may lose Amahi updates if I disable the makecache.timer.
  • Right now I’m set up to receive updates automatically, for amahi, packages and fedora kernel.
  • Updates will install automatically, so chances are, that after a reboot I would be running a more recent kernel
My question is, how could I set this back to the standard behavior Amahi ships with. E.g. Auto-updates for Amahi = Yes, Auto-updates for Fedora = No.

Re: Upgraded Fedora Kernel - Automatic Updates now also ON?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:07 pm
by bigfoot65
If you did the OS update and installed a new kernel, no action is needed.

Updating to a new kernel does not change how updates are done unless you did manual config changes.

BTW by default OS updates do not install by default.