CLOSED: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

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CLOSED: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby Chrisleen » Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:57 pm

I am a newbie trying to set up a NAS from an old laptop for backups and file sharing mostly. I was thinking a headless installation would be fine to maximize performance.

I am stuck on some real basic stuff:

1.) Amahi Express Install - On this Installation WIki, ( it calls the the Amahi Express a "CD", but when I downloaded the ISO it refers to it as a DVD. And then on this page ( it refers to it as a DVD. The file is nearly 800MB (too big for a CD), but I only have a CD-RW drive, so I felt a bit duped. Is there any way to get a supported version of the latest GA Code using a CD or Thumb drive? (I have a 64 bit system).

2.) If I can find a friend with the right HW to burn the DVD, if it as simple as burning that .iso file to a DVD or is there more involved?

3.) Assuming I can get the code installed on my old laptop, I have another issue with setting up the HDA. When I first create an account, they are asking for me to provide IP Addresses for Network Gateway and HDA and a Local DNS Domain Name. I need advice on what to choose here. I ran ipconfig, and so I think my default gateway is, so I assume I put this in the fist cell for my "Existing NW Gateway", right? For the Fixed IP address, should I leave the default? I don't understand what the default DNS domain is, so not sure what to put here. How would changing it help?

4.) How do I set the old laptop to be fixed with that IP Address? Also if I google, "what's my IP" I get a different number than this 192 number... 209.99... etc. why don't they match?


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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:05 am

The file is nearly 800MB (too big for a CD), but I only have a CD-RW drive, so I felt a bit duped. Is there any way to get a supported version of the latest GA Code using a CD or Thumb drive? (I have a 64 bit system).
The word "duped" is not quite right in my opinion. Maybe confused is more appropriate. There are 800MB CDs and you can overburn on CDs as well. I have done this in the past.
You obviously have found the USB install and I replied to that in a different thread.
It's duly noted that terms match though and I will work on that.
If I can find a friend with the right HW to burn the DVD, if it as simple as burning that .iso file to a DVD or is there more involved?
You are correct, it's just burning it to DVD is all that is needed. However, if you don't have a DVD drive in your system, you won't be able to use it.
When I first create an account, they are asking for me to provide IP Addresses for Network Gateway and HDA and a Local DNS Domain Name. I need advice on what to choose here.
The Network Gateway is the IP address you would use to access your router. This is typically,, etc. The local DNS should be what domain you would like for your server. It's defaults to, but you can make it anyhting that fits domain name criteria. I recommend leaving it as is.
For the Fixed IP address, should I leave the default?
This should be any IP address < 100 that you are not using in your network. Recommend leaving it at 10.
How do I set the old laptop to be fixed with that IP Address?
No need to do anything here. That will be taken care of when you install Amahi. It will configure the HDA machine to the static IP address you used in the profile automatically.

You need to follow the guidance on the site. It may send you to the wiki at times, but the majority of the guidance is on that site.
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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby Chrisleen » Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:11 pm


Thanks for all your answers!

BTW, when I said "I felt duped", I meant that in a joking sort of way, not a mean way. I was psyched to get this installed and set up, and was then disappointed when I realized it would take a bit more time. But with your guidance, I am back on track... but now have some new issues..

What I Did So Far:
I downloaded Fedora 19 from the Archive you sent me: ... 4-19-1.iso

Then using UNetbootin, I loaded that ISO to a thumb drive.

Then I changed the POST order on the Laptop I am planning to use as my Amahi Server to boot from USB and rebooted.

The first time I did this, I get a bunch of error messages. So I reformatted the Thumb Drive and did it all over again. And then I got the menu...

I thought I had an x86-64 CPU, but the system did not think so. I confirmed and it was right. I am now downloading the right ISO and will try again...


Last edited by Chrisleen on Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:14 pm

Does your laptop meet the minimum requirements for Amahi?

You may have to use the Amahi 7 Full DVD method due to driver issues.
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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby anamika » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:52 pm

I am a newbie myself and I learned a lot from the forums.
I have used the USB and UNetbootin to burn the express CD's ISO. I didnot have any problems with installation.
When you enter your ip address and click the second row it should automatically select the IP address for your hda.

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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:57 pm

Unfortunately we have learned from past experience of other users that the Express Disc does not always work on USB. Many have failed in getting it to boot and install.

You are in the minority who have been able to get it to work.
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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby Chrisleen » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:09 pm

Thanks Bigfoot65 and Anamika.

I wondered about loading the install disc, but decided to try the USB directions as listed.

I got Fedora19 loaded... Tomorrow I will tackle the rest of the config settings and adding Amahi


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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby bigfoot65 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:12 pm

Good luck!

Hopefully all will go well.
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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby Chrisleen » Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:24 am

From the Fedora terminal I have entered the following string

" rpm -Uvh ... noarch.rpm"
Which I got from this page: ... tall_Amahi

But I got a 404 Error. I noticed that it says release 6.9, so I tried replacing 6.9.0 with 7.1.0 and 7.1, but kept getting 404 errors.

Can you please give me the right command string to dowload the Amahi code?



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Re: Newbie Questions: Amahi Express CD or DVD? and IP Addresses for Gateway and HDA

Postby bigfoot65 » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:07 am

You shouldn't automatically assume because it did not work that it was wrong. That is the correct code. Don't change the version number as it will work.

Could be there was a problem between your internet connection and the Amahi site? Were you doing this as root user?

Recommend you try again and follow the wiki guidance as noted. DO NOT improvise or you may encounter issues.
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