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RESOLVED: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:34 pm
by Maxpwr
So I have my server up and realized since I did the usb drive install way I never set a swap partition. Is there a way to do this after the fact or do I need to re-install everything starting over with Fedora 19?

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:56 pm
by Maxpwr
OK so I read up on the partitions and realize that I need to redo my server (good thing I haven't put anything valuable on it just yet). I have a 400 gb hard drive in it. So from what I am reading I need the following partitions 1 /boot 500mb 2 /swap 4.5 gb and 3 /root 20 gb. What do I do with the rest of the hard drive? Thanks for helping this Linux newbie out.

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:41 am
by radioz
You should search for discussions about partitioning. This has been discussed a number of times previously.

Here is a link to a FAQ entry that talks about it. ... or-my-hda-

I think the recommended layout depends on whether you intend to use Greyhole or not (I don't, so I can't provide accurate details on that. There is another FAQ entry about it).

Generally, you want the major portion of the disk capacity assigned to (or underneath) /var/hda/files. That is where your hda will store all of your share data.

So a layout might look like this:
/boot 500 MB
/ 20 GB
/swap 4 GB (2 x ram size)
/var/hda/files rest of disk

(You may have made a typo, but you don't need a partition for '/root')

Good luck!

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:10 pm
by Maxpwr
So if I am reading that correctly on the one hard drive I'll have 4 partitions and I'll need to set that up during initial install?

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Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:38 pm
by bigfoot65
You could do that. When installing Fedora 19, it typically does all this for you (except /var/hda/files). Not sure why it did not work that way for you.

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:27 pm
by Maxpwr
It is strange that mine did that from the beginning. It did /home 314gb /49.1 gb /boot 476 mb; no signs of swap on there. So when I reinstall fedora 19 I should setup 3 partitions and after I get it up and running when and how do I create the /var/hda/files partition?

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:40 pm
by bigfoot65
You should install using the Express CD. If you cannot use it, then the full DVD is best. To set up the partitions, recommend the Install without LVM wiki article.

Adding another partition as /var/hda/files is not needed if you put the bulk of the disk on / as it holds that directory as well. We recommend the /var/hda/files method typically if you are mounting it as a separate disk.

Adding a second hard drive to your HDA wiki guidance explains this method, often used with Greyhole.

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:50 pm
by Maxpwr
Ok so I re-installed via usb and have amahi up and running. I corrected my swap partition and how much space was allocated to home. So I hate to get off topic for this thread but I hope everyone doesn't mind. I have a few questions now that the server is up and running. Since I did the install with usb so I could have a desktop to run the arduino ide I get messages that there are software updates available. Question 1: when installing amahi shouldn't it have stopped the services looking for updates? Question 2: will it be ok to update software on Fedora? Question 3: I plan on adding an additional hard drive this week and I want to use this server to back up some windows 7 pcs; I read that crashplan and Greyhole do no play well; is this correct? If so can I still run Greyhole and just have it on other drives? Thanks again for any help.
My ultimate goal is to have this server run dlna to stream dvd collection my TV and to back up 2 other pcs on my network. I liked what I read about Greyhole and hope I can use it somehow. Thanks for the help.

Re: Swap Partition After install?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:09 am
by bigfoot65
Question 1: when installing amahi shouldn't it have stopped the services looking for updates?
I don't believe Amahi stops them in Amahi 7. They do not install automatically. You need to know about them since many are security patches.
Question 2: will it be ok to update software on Fedora?
Yes and it's encouraged. I keep mine up to date with all OS updates.
Question 3: I plan on adding an additional hard drive this week and I want to use this server to back up some windows 7 pcs; I read that crashplan and Greyhole do no play well; is this correct? If so can I still run Greyhole and just have it on other drives?
You can determine what shares use Greyhole. The one for Crashplan can be left out of the Greyhole storage pool.

Recommend if you have any more questions that you start a new thread. I will mark this one as resolved.