quick how-to for connecting to iSCSI storage:
scan for new LUNs:
Code: Select all
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <NAS IP>
login and make the connection persistent
Code: Select all
iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2012-02.<domain>.<your>:<LUNname> -p <NAS IP> -l
you should see a new device, you can partition it now
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fdisk /dev/<new device>
partprobe /dev/<new device>
create LVM stuff if you want to, otherwise create the filesystem as you would normally do
the name convention for iSCSI LUNs is usually as follows but a vendor can change it at will, it's a convention not a requirement.
Below how the name comes together, the parts are connected by dots, the lun name is separated by a colon.
fixed data: iqn -> iqn
date the LUN was created: year-month -> 2012-02
your domainname inverted: domain.your -> com.home
the LUN name: this is what the vendor usually provides -> lun1
so that would make the following target:
edit: removed error