Confused over hard drive formats...

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Confused over hard drive formats...

Postby popedoozer » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:43 pm


I'm new to linux in general and just installed Amahi. I have a question about hard drive formats. My main computer is a mac. I want to be able to read write onto my external hard drives on both my mac and the Amahi server. I am getting very confused over which drive format to use. The drives will be plugged into the Amahi box most of the time so I ruled out HFS+, and I cant seem to turn off journaling on two of my externals anyway. Some file sizes are greater than 4gigs so Fat32 is out. I tried ext2 to read write mac-side and it doesn't work very well. Sometimes the drives mount ok, but mostly only as read and sometimes as unreadable. I used macfuse and I tried two other ext for mac applications that had the same result. Was thinking of using paragon ntfs for mac, used it before and ntfs works mac side alrigh-ish but don't know about linux.

Trolled google looking for answers and I'm just going round in circles. I am very very confused. Things don't work the way they should (I need).
I'm hoping that I'm being very silly and there's an obvious solution/answer.

Please and thank you in advance.

Pope Doozer

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Re: Confused over hard drive formats...

Postby moredruid » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:26 am

NTFS should work fine on Linux as well.
Blame Apple for not supporting the Linux ext filesystems properly.

You could take a look at vfs/xfs and such but I'm not sure about the support for that in Mac OS either.
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Re: Confused over hard drive formats...

Postby popedoozer » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:52 pm

Thanks for the reply moredruid.
I do find myself waving my fist, regularly, at apple.

I don't know anything about at vfs/xfs so ill look into that. Thanks.
Would love to get ext2 working on the mac tho. That = ideal but does not = reality.

Thanks again for the tip.

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Re: Confused over hard drive formats...

Postby popedoozer » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:52 pm

Seem to have ext2 reading and writing now, somehow. Im sure it won't last. :) Using Paragons extFS.

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