Wishing for Eyecon app for Amahi

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Wishing for Eyecon app for Amahi

Postby hfxrzw » Sun May 02, 2010 1:49 am

As the GetSatisfaction site doesn't work (May 2nd - 9.42 UTC) I'll post it here.

Somehow the team have been very busy with the server functionality, but I would like to see some 'total solution' kind of thinking. I appreciate that leaving a lot of the integration choices to the users is great, but some included solutions would be great to get the less 'Linux educated' an out-of-the-box solution.

It would be great to see a solution like Eyecon's app (http://www.eyecontec.com/articles) included/available, which would allow for an up and running system. I appreciate that the Eyecon app is still rather incomplete, but the functionality is something most of us are looking for (I think).

Don't know how to do it, but it would be great! Cheers, Rene.

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