ISCSI Raid one click mounts

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ISCSI Raid one click mounts

Postby wtalking » Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:19 pm

Not compairing amahi to other products or complaining becuase i know its a work in progress..

The apps are comming along great and i think that they are what sets this project apart from a lot of others. Stability is top notch. as long as the hardware is good it runs for a while. Just checked my logs and ive been going without a reboot for about a month now. I only reboot when i add more storage or a device.

BUT (lol you knew it was comming)
I think that maybe with all of the dedication to new apps this project is getting off course a little. when i look at my hda i see a very useful box that could be a great box to the home and business user. You start out with a basic file server with some great pre-installed features and only add to it as needed. But with that said I still use Freenas at home and in production at work. What is really missing are some serious tools Like ISCSI and easy software Raid configuration and the ability to mount new drives from the web interface.

Before i found amahi (first install f9) i was using free nas and mythtv. on two separate machines. and another for my VM's via kvm qemu now i am down to 2.. one for free nas and the other for amahi myth and vms (amahi is a vm for me) Maybe this is a call to the developement team to focus on the core and integrate more of the great features of free nas into the hda. Whether or not the average user would use all of them. Not everyone needs the poor mans fiber channel iscsi but i would make Amahi a powerfull tool. Especially in todays age with more and more people and companies trying to cut down on power use. With amahi as the host os with a full compliment of core applications that take the place of several appliances and combine that with all the web apps and the ability to virtualize other application servers all on the same hardware.. this would be the soho to mid size business total office in a box solution. Amahi could truly become everything that windows home, windows small business and windows 2008 is all in one package

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Re: ISCSI Raid one click mounts

Postby cpg » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:47 pm

What is really missing are some serious tools Like ISCSI and easy software Raid configuration and the ability to mount new drives from the web interface.
One thing you can do to help is prototype it (in concrete terms, make it work) in your HDA and help document it in the wiki. This way it makes it more concrete.

We have a lot of feature requests and, being open source, we cannot attend to them, unless we get some form of sponsorship for them.

If you know a friend who would like to work on open source projects, encourage them to join Amahi and help!

Your suggestion did not fall in deaf ears ... we just need to figure out the way we can get this development supported.

In addition, if you plan to use it at work, you may want to make a support donation through work (preferably as a direct contribution).
My HDA: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz on MSI board, 8GB RAM, 1TBx2+3TBx1

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