Show Us your home server

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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby cpg » Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:23 am

Nice rig!!

Is the Celeron suitable? I assume it's power efficient, which is great, however, is it good, processing wise?
My HDA: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz on MSI board, 8GB RAM, 1TBx2+3TBx1

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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby lassenloop » Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:24 pm

Hard to believe I was running Amahi on a test system for three years (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=614&p=12472#p12472). I saw this HP Gen 8 Microserver on sale at Newegg for $272 dollars, I knew the time had come to retire my old Pentium 4 server.


Very nice. That is very much the look I wanted for my server. I couldn't find anything that clean and wound up having to make my own with a Chinese case.



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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby vegaramos1 » Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:37 pm

My needs are fairly simple from my HDA. I do a lot of video editing, so I'm constantly moving GB's of video to the server, stream the kids movies around the house, it is the central Crashplan machine, and my TimeMachine. My P4 based laptop served me well, but transferring large files would peg the processor, so if anyone else happened to be streaming a time would be over! The Celeron has plenty of power to stream 3 movies and handle a large file transfer with no hiccups. It's also very power efficient, I've calculated that it costs me $1.50 a month to run the HDA 24/7 using a kill-a-watt.

lassenloop I was considering a building a machine myself, had I seen that case I might have. That's a nice box you've got there, I thought it was a QNAP at first glance. How do you like that Asus router? I'm considering one myself, what kind of range do you get from it?

Edit: The folks over at benchmarked the Celeron and Pentium models of the Gen 8 Microserver, then even installed a Xeon in one of them. While the Celeron is not super fast, it's no slouch either.


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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby lassenloop » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:36 pm

lassenloop I was considering a building a machine myself, had I seen that case I might have. That's a nice box you've got there, I thought it was a QNAP at first glance. How do you like that Asus router? I'm considering one myself, what kind of range do you get from it?
The router is the Asus RT-AC68U. Range is phenomenal. I bought it, because I recently moved into a fairly large house and my router/office is not in the center of the home. I was getting poor range and intended to use this one to replace my router. Then use my old router as an AP in the opposite side of the house. But the range on this thing is so good. I have no need for another AP.

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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby zac851 » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:30 pm

I've used FreeNAS to run my Media NAS for the last 3-4 years and I've been testing Amahi the last couple days before permanently making it my new OS. I believe I'm going to make the switch.

Heres my server in my rack at the very bottom


With the Case front open. The computer above it is the Media PC that only runs the front end for the MediaPortal app.



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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby zac851 » Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:21 pm

Just thought I'd post again a picture of some case stickers that I put on both my Amahi Media Server and the Windows 7 Box that runs MediaPortal as the front end for my Home Theater. I've had some sort of Media Server for the last 8 years and Amahi has been the best and most stable thus far. I wanted to test it for a few weeks before deciding if I was going to stick with it and I definitely am.

I've got a new i3 processor and motherboard along with a 2 64GB SSDs and 8gbs of RAM thats been sitting on my desk so I'm going to get rid of the outdated AMD Phenon chip and motherboard this weekend inside the Amahi server and install the new stuff with the SSDs in a RAID 1 for the OS only and then mount all 6 of my 3TB drivers. Hopefully Amahi will remain as stable as it has been one I put it on the new hardware.

Here's the Case Stickers. I just printed them on some label paper with adhesive backing.


Going on almost a month without issues. I will point out that transfer speeds don't seem quite as fast as I've gotten in the past. My home network is all Gb speeds. Just seems a little bit slower but its not a big deal. I've been streaming 10GB + size HD quality movies with no issues so thats fine by me and thats mainly what I use it for.


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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby vegaramos1 » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:44 am

That's a pretty nice setup. Is it noisy having two machines running at the same time? I have a PS3 that I use on one of my televisions for streaming my media and Netflix, and I find the PS3 fan too loud for enjoying a movie.

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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby zac851 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:29 am

That's a pretty nice setup. Is it noisy having two machines running at the same time? I have a PS3 that I use on one of my televisions for streaming my media and Netflix, and I find the PS3 fan too loud for enjoying a movie.
Yea it's pretty loud but the door stays closed mostly. The 24 port HP procurve swtich is making most of the noise though since the fans are so loud. I leave everything in there running 24/7 except for one item thing. The PS3, Believe it or not and I don't know why but that old 1st gen ps3 raises the room temperature from around 67º F up to 85º-90º F if left on for a few hours. It gets so dang hot..

I learned the hard way a while back when I lost a really good sound card and video card in my main PC that handles the Media Front End App (MediaPortal at the time, XBMC now) due to heat. I don't open that door alot so I didnt know it so hot in there until it was 2 late. I now have a temp monitor connected to a new APC UPS unit I got to alert me if temps reach over 80º F inside the room.. Behind the media rack, is part of my HVAC system so it stays cool in there and never gets above 70º in the long as I turn the PS3 off after using lol

The whole reason I have the media rack is mainly for my dedicated home theater that I built with the help of my Dad a few years back right after my Wife and I bought it.

126" Carada Screen in "Brilliant White" color hanging on a false wall. Both the left and right speaker towers, center speaker: and a 12" powered sub in a ported box are behind the false wall between it and the real wall that's another 2 feet back. I was worried that the sub would vibrate the screen due to the amount of air it's moving but that wasnt the case and there hasnt been any issues. The Black stuff surrounding the screen is sort of like, speaker grille clothe so that sound passes through. I just built small little frames and wrapped the fabric around them.. The panels are vey light and held onto the false wall using velcro for easy removal.

The media closet is directly behind this wall behind the seats. There is another 10" lower powered 400watt sub in a ported box sitting in the far back left corner with the left/right surrounds and back left/right surrounds hung on the walls (way to high)

Old pic right after I mounted everything showing the top half of the rack with the noise procurve switch

Construction of the stage and false wall.

Panels that will be covered in a speaker grille meshe type fabric and surround the screen to hide all the speakers behind the false wall.

Adding a little color, and mounted the panels minuse the screen

Same room a couple weeks after buying the house and starting the theater remodel. Came a long way thats for sure.


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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby vegaramos1 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:51 am

Congratulations, that's a beautiful home theater! I'm officially jealous. :D

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Re: Show Us your home server

Postby yoyocint » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:35 pm

My HDA is installed on a Lenovo TS140 server....

Very proud of it especially that with this and Amahi was able to have the server for close no pennies with the functionalities I need.
ts140.jpg (4.85 KiB) Viewed 116670 times

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