Merger with clearos??

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Merger with clearos??

Postby wvdlee » Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:25 am

I am an amahi user for some years now and in general I am happy with it, but I am missing security, stability and app integration. For example I installed ajaxplorer but also use greyhole, so I think ajaxplorer should use the locally mounted shares in mnt/samba, but it uses var/hda/files. I installed owncloud, but there is no integration with other apps or shares whatsoever. I installed couchpotatoe but for some reason I do not get it to work properly finding torrents and integrate with transmission and sabnzbdplus. External acces would also be nice without having to install an openvpn client but it needs to be secure.

Amahi makes linux life much easier but I still need to become sort of an linux admin to really get things working, secure and stable, and I am just an inexperienced user.

Currently with windows8 and amahi 6 I regularly have issues with access to shares so I was considering going to amahi 7 that hopefully integrates better with windows 8, but many important apps are not live yet (crashplan being the most important one) So I had a look at other options.

In the past I used clarkconnect, rock solid but with very little features for home users. They have moved on, it's now clearos also uses apps like amahi does and I found this link in their forum ... /id,50859/
So why hasn't a Home edition been launched? Resources and focus. The ClearCenter teams is focused on the commercial version and to spend time on Home just isn't in the cards right now - at least not on the scale of what it would take to put something really targeted towards home users like you've suggested and we all can envision.

We need someone in the Community to step up to the plate and manage this fork/project. It's not going to happen without a coordinated effort and coordination requires leadership. Over on the project/forum, a guy named John Crisp did just this for the SME server project. Self admittedly, he doesn't have skills in software development, but that's not what was needed to jump start the contribs project again, and a developer is not what is needed to oversee the roll-out of ClearOS Home Edition.
In my naive and ignorant opinion this is an invitation for a merger between clearos and amahi to develop amahi 8 on the clearos platform.
imo it could bring the best of both worlds.

What about this idea? is it possible? Am I overlooking something or perhaps something to consider?

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Re: Merger with clearos??

Postby sgtfoo » Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:43 am

ClearOS and Amahi are essentially achieving the same goals by taking a Linux underlayer OS and putting the easy-to-manage system of web-accessible apps and dashboard on top of it.

They're not in "competition" with eachother, but they're kinda "competing" for the same end-result.... making all this home-server stuff easier for home users.

I doubt they would merge.
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Re: Merger with clearos??

Postby trw3937 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:38 am

I use ClearOS and Zentyal for small business server testing. Those 2 orgs have alot more staff/$$ than Amahi I suspect and the software shows that imo..

Would or do they work well for a home server...sure they do. Some things about Amahi I just prefer for home use like it's simplicity.

Do the clearos and amahi staff know each other? Neat idea but unlikely.

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Re: Merger with clearos??

Postby sgtfoo » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:07 pm

I recently stumbled across - SME server. It does a webGUI for a CentOS based server... it's built more purposefully for Small to Medium Enterprise use. I would image they could also contribute to the Amahi experience, and vice versa.
HDA: VM inside oVirt FX-8300 95w (2 cores for HDA), 32GB RAM (2GB for HDA)
My PC: FX-8300, 16GB RAM, 3x 1TB HDDs, Radeon HD6970 2GB video; Win10 Pro x64
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