Amahi Ubuntu on Pandaboard

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Amahi Ubuntu on Pandaboard

Postby eFfeM » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:45 am

Dear all,

With this message I want to let you know that I am currently running Amahi under Ubuntu on Pandaboard (an OMAP4 board from TI, see for details).
The ubuntu version is 11.10 server.

It is not really production quality yet (there are a few patches pending to be merged mainstream, and lots of packages do not work yet)
However the core is there. Pictures can be found here ... 4&start=69

I've been asked about performance.
This is a little bit hard to say. I have to compare against 11.10 in a VM (on my i7/2600)

Wrt installation:
I haven't timed the ubuntu installation.
Installling the Amahi packages (getting the package and all the dependencies) took someething like 8.5 min (I have 25 Mbit download).
Installing Amahi itself (from entering the install code to getting the reboot message) is about 11 more minutes.
Note that this is using a USB hard disk. Using an SD card will be much much slower!

Installing the packages seems a little bit slow (but I doubt that it is slower than on the x86). uptime says the omap4 is not really maxed out.

Aim is to have a full release late spring. This release will be based upon 12.04 (as this is an LTS). Of course it also depends on my time.
Release format is not really decided. I have a package feed that can be used. Simpler would be to use a binary image.
However, the current filesystem is about 2.5 GB, so that would probably be a 2GB file after compression (something I definitely cannot host).

Feel free to post questions etc. And if you have a pandaboard and lots of time and willing to test, please contact me.

Enjoy! Frans

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