Application Error v.2

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Application Error v.2

Postby danielblanche54 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:55 pm

I can't seem to get Amahi dashboard to load properly, it redirects me to the debug tab where this is printed...
I noticed that I get the same error as viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2385 but that solution didn't work for me; neither did restarting the server.
although I'm unsure of where the production.log file is to attach,
Thanks for your help in advance,
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"setup", "tab"=>"debug"}
Rendering template within layouts/amahi
Rendering setup/index
Completed in 341ms (View: 54, DB: 66) | 200 OK [http://hda/setup?tab=debug]

Processing SetupController#index (for at 2012-09-25 14:38:01) [GET]
Parameters: {"rest"=>["server-status"], "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"setup", "auto"=>nil}
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as [:admin_required] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 7ms (DB: 1) | 302 Found []

Processing UserSessionsController#new (for at 2012-09-25 14:38:01) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"user_sessions"}
Rendering template within layouts/login
Rendering user_sessions/new
Completed in 10ms (View: 5, DB: 1) | 200 OK []

Processing SetupController#index (for at 2012-09-25 14:42:16) [GET]
Parameters: {"rest"=>["server-status"], "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"setup", "auto"=>nil}
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as [:admin_required] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 41ms (DB: 2) | 302 Found []

Processing UserSessionsController#new (for at 2012-09-25 14:42:16) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"user_sessions"}
Rendering template within layouts/login
Rendering user_sessions/new
Completed in 299ms (View: 234, DB: 59) | 200 OK []

Processing SetupController#index (for at 2012-09-25 14:43:02) [GET]
Parameters: {"rest"=>["server-status"], "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"setup", "auto"=>nil}
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as [:admin_required] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 6ms (DB: 1) | 302 Found []

Processing UserSessionsController#new (for at 2012-09-25 14:43:02) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"user_sessions"}
Rendering template within layouts/login
Rendering user_sessions/new
Completed in 10ms (View: 5, DB: 1) | 200 OK []

Processing FrontController#index (for at 2012-09-25 14:42:16) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"front"}
Rendering template within layouts/amahi
Rendering front/index

ActionView::TemplateError (execution expired) on line #29 of app/views/front/index.html.erb:
26: if Ping.pingecho(feed, 2, 'http')
27: Net::HTTP.start(feed) do |http|
28: req ='/news/')
29: response = http.request(req)
30: response.body
31: end
32: end

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:64:in `rbuf_fill'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:134:in `rbuf_fill'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:116:in `readuntil'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:126:in `readline'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:2028:in `read_status_line'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:2017:in `read_new'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1051:in `request'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:543:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:440:in `start'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:96:in `process_request'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:513:in `accept_and_process_next_request'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:274:in `main_loop'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/classic_rails/application_spawner.rb:321:in `start_request_handler'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/classic_rails/application_spawner.rb:275:in `send'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/classic_rails/application_spawner.rb:275:in `handle_spawn_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:479:in `safe_fork'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/classic_rails/application_spawner.rb:270:in `handle_spawn_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:357:in `__send__'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:357:in `server_main_loop'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:206:in `start_synchronously'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:180:in `start'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/classic_rails/application_spawner.rb:149:in `start'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:219:in `spawn_rails_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:132:in `lookup_or_add'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:214:in `spawn_rails_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:82:in `synchronize'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:79:in `synchronize'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:213:in `spawn_rails_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:132:in `spawn_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:275:in `handle_spawn_application'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:357:in `__send__'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:357:in `server_main_loop'
passenger (3.0.0) lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:206:in `start_synchronously'
passenger (3.0.0) helper-scripts/passenger-spawn-server:99

Rendering /var/hda/platform/html/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:06 pm

Can you give some details on your install. Is it Ubuntu or Fedora, 32- or 64-bit? Also a little info on the hardware might be useful.
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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby danielblanche54 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:02 pm

Well it is fedora 16, x86_64 although that seems to be mute now, I just checked on it again after it not working for a few hours and it seems to be working again.
Is there any explanation for this?

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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:05 pm

Fedora 16 is not supported. We never finished the development of it and will not work without issues. We do not offer any apps for anything other than Fedora 14 and Ubuntu 12.01 at this time.

We cannot offer any support whatsoever for a OS that we never released. All references to Fedora 16 working in the forums is at the risk of the user. I am sorry, but users should never use an unsupported OS with Amahi. There are too many moving parts and pieces that often cause things to not work.

Recommend you reinstall with Ubuntu or wait for Fedora 17/18. That would be best if you want a reliable server solution with support.
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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby danielblanche54 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:18 pm

The funny thing is, fedora 16 was a typo.. I meant 14. Here is the output from 'uname -r'

I apologize for the confusion

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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby bigfoot65 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:35 pm

No problem. Fedora 14 is in maintenance mode, so limited support. Have you checked to ensure you have sufficient space left on the root partition?
Applications Manager

My HDA: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz on MSI board, 16GB RAM, 1TBx1+2TBx2+4TBx2

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Re: Application Error v.2

Postby danielblanche54 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:29 am

The drive has plenty of space, although I did a little investigating with 'fdisk -l' and there doesn't seem to be any swap-space on the drive. I should fix that later, I'm going to go-out-on-a-whim here and say that is likely the problem.
I have had this server running for about a year now and I have cloned the drive at one time to another, larger drive, from a backup.gz of the image and then I re-sized the partition after the first drive failed. I'm assuming that it must have been removed then because I remember it having one at one point. Can't work out why though. Well thank you for your help though, I appreciate you pointing my in the right direction.

Have a great day,

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