Gallery3 slide-show problem with some galleries

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Gallery3 slide-show problem with some galleries

Postby Furry » Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:32 am

First post, so I'll start by saying 'thank you' for Amahi; I installed it a couple of weeks ago, and I'm impressed with how easy it is to get a diverse range of applications up and running - much easier than trying to install them in the traditional way. And, it's built on a distro that I like (RH/Fedora).

Anyway, a problem I'm having with gallery3: I have set up three albums. Whereas two of the albums display as a slide show with no problem, the third one will not. It's fine displaying its photos all sizes, up to full size, but the screen is blank for slide show, and full screen slide show.

All permissions etc. for all three albums are the same. The only difference I can see is that the dimensions of the photos in the third album appear different - the width is the same as in the other albums, but the depth appears to be less.

I have a few other queries / problems, but I'll post those separately.


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Re: Gallery3 slide-show problem with some galleries

Postby bigfoot65 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:32 am

This sounds like a problem with Gallery 3 and not Amahi. Recommend you check the software web site as we only support install, not the functionality of the program.

It may require you file a bug on their website or possibly there is an answer to your issue. The should have forums that will help.
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Re: Gallery3 slide-show problem with some galleries

Postby Furry » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:33 am

After some digging around, I found out that album titles with ampersand in them do not work - the problem album did indeed have '&' in its title. Once I'd removed that, it works fine in Cooliris.

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