AjaXplorer & Extplorer

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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby thomasps » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:35 am

Ok, try the preprogammed links. Also, recommend you isntall the mount_local_shares for Greyhole. You can find guidance in the wiki under Greyhole.
Thanks but I can't figure out what/where these preprogammed links are...

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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby bigfoot65 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:41 am

Select the drop down menu where is says default and the shares should be listed.
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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby thomasps » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:27 am

Select the drop down menu where is says default and the shares should be listed.
Ok thanks, that's what I have been doing so far (besides manually typing the path) and it doesn't work (i.e. that when I get the error). Now though I have a much bigger problem. I followed the instructions on the wiki to mount shares locally:
and it has broken my Greyhole (i.e. mnt/samba/ displays all the correct folders but they are all empty)
The wiki points to a problem with newer version of Greyhole (very bottom of page), but when I type:

Code: Select all

​[root@CONDOR /]# ​ls /etc/rc.3/ bash: ​ls: command not found... [root@CONDOR /]# ls /etc/ abrt init purple acpi init.conf quotagrpadmins adjtime init.d quotatab ajaxterm.conf inittab racoon aliases inputrc rc aliases.db iproute2 rc0.d alsa issue rc1.d alternatives issue.net rc2.d anacrontab java rc3.d anthy-conf jvm rc4.d asound.conf jvm-commmon rc5.d at.deny jwhois.conf rc6.d at-spi2 kde rc.d audisp kernel rc.local audit krb5.conf rc.sysinit avahi ld.so.cache readahead.conf bash_completion.d ld.so.conf reader.conf.d bashrc ld.so.conf.d redhat-release blkid lftp.conf report.conf bluetooth libaudit.conf report.d bonobo-activation libuser.conf request-key.conf cgconfig.conf localtime resolv.conf cgrules.conf login.defs rmt chkconfig.d logrotate.conf rndc.key ConsoleKit logrotate.d rpc cron.d lvm rpm cron.daily mail rpmdevtools cron.deny mailcap rsyslog.conf cron.hourly mail.rc rwtab cron.monthly man_db.conf rwtab.d crontab maven samba cron.weekly mdadm.conf sane.d crypttab mime.types sasl2
So, there does not seem to be any rc.3.
HDA dashboard says Greyhole is running.
Also, when I added the HD and used them for Greyhole, I followed this tutorial:
http://wiki.amahi.org/index.php/Adding_ ... o_your_HDA
which seems to be using a script to mount the HD. It looks to me this is somewhat duplicated in the mount_shares_locally script. In any event, I want to forget ajaxplorer for now and fix my greyhole shares. So, I tried deleting /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally and restart but the problem is still there.
Thanks for all your help bigfoot65!

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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby bigfoot65 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:32 am

Sorry to hear that did not help. When you install the mount shares locally script, did you follow the instructions exactly. You have to add your user name to the script and there is also another file you have to create to include your user name. password and domain.

If you don't have that done correctly, it will not work. Also, we do not recommend you use the new version of Greyhole as its not been tested with Amahi. The current version tested with Amahi works fine, so upgrading is not a must.
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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby thomasps » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:55 am

I did follow every step of the wiki including changing the username in the script and creating the credential file with username and password. I do get this error thought when I start the script:

Code: Select all

[root@CONDOR thomas]# service mount_shares_locally start Mounting Samba shares locally: error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials error -1 (Unknown error 18446744073709551615) opening credential file /home/thomas/.smb_credentials
What I have not done yet is where the wiki says:
Note: if you used /etc/rc.local and /etc/fstab to mount shares locally in the past, you can remove what you added in those files now. The above initd script replaces all this.
I need to check if when I added the HD I also used fstab...

In any event, how can I undo:

Code: Select all

curl -o /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3022105/Amahi/mount_shares_locally chmod +x /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally chkconfig --add mount_shares_locally
Because I when tried deleting the script, Greyhole is still not working

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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby bigfoot65 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:06 am

That error tells me that this file does not exist?


Is thomas your first admin user? Also, ensure the credential file includes your domain if it is not home.

To uninstall the script, remove it from /etc/init.d directory and then do chkconfig mount_shares_locally off.

That should remove it.
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Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

Postby thomasps » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:20 am

This is weird:

Code: Select all

[root@CONDOR thomas]# ls /home/thomas/.smb* /home/thomas/.smb_credentials​
When I use nano the file is there with the right username/passwd inside. BTW how do I know what my domain is (I don;t think I had changed anything from the default Amahi install, just the workgroup name in the dashboard).

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    Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

    Postby bigfoot65 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:26 am

    That may be the problem. It would be the workgroup you have set in the dashboard under Shares, Settings. It must match what is in the file. Also, if you have never changed that, it defaults to HOME.

    If you have change your domain from home.com, then change the workgroup to match without the .com part.
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    Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

    Postby thomasps » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:20 am

    Ok, although I have not yet solved the problem, I'm starting to understand what's happening. It's been a long time since I set Amahi up so I forgot a lot of the details of what I have/haven't done :roll:

    1. I don't think Greyhole has broken. I checked the log and can't see any problem there. It also shows it's running as a service.
    2. I now realize that many months ago I must have created the mount_shares_locally script. Not knowing that, I just rerun the script instructions and this is when the problem started. The script for whatever reason does not work NOW.
    3. My shortcut to /mnt/samba/* which used to work fine until yesterday, now does not work (it shows all correct directories but they are all empty)
    4. The Ajaxplorer problem predates 3 above.
    5. I can access all my shares with no problems from the other machines in my network

    So, I need to re-estabilish the locally mounted share link so that I can manage my files when I'm on the HDA machine without bypassing Greyhole.

    Getting back to the problem of fixing the locally mounted shares:
    a. The workgroup name under Dashboard>Shares>Settings is "PHASIS"
    b. On the web interface https://www.amahi.org/user I have
    Dynamic DNS: "mynickname.yourhda.com"
    Home domain: "speidel.ca"

    So in the credential file I tried
    None of them see to work because whenn I start the service I get the same error. For username, I only have a single user on my Amahi machine, this is what I normally use to log in.

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    Re: AjaXplorer & Extplorer

    Postby bigfoot65 » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:40 pm

    As root user, do hostname and see what it returns.

    I also make my domain and workgroup the same, so never had any problem. Maybe if they are different, Amahi gets confused.
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