Beta Apps - Query

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Beta Apps - Query

Postby kinetix63 » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:52 am

Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help me here. I currently run a Windows Home Server. At the moment it does very little - it has uTorrent running on it, acts as a repository for all of my files, and for streaming media to my PS3. To be honest, the overheads in Windows are far too great for what I use it for, so I'm considering moving to Amahi.

I've managed to get it up and running on a spare machine I have for testing purposes (F14 and Amahi 6), however I'm intrigued by some of the apps available. A great deal of the apps I'm interested in have the "Beta" tag next to them, and I can see no obvious way to install them. Equally some apps like Transmission and uTorrent have a price-tag attached to them. It's small money, I'm happy to pay it, but I have no understanding of how they would get installed, and if they're still Beta for F14 if I'd even be able to install them anyway.

So, my question is 3 fold:

1) How do I go about installing some of these Beta apps (because, being totally honest, without some of them Amahi isn't of much use to me).
2) Once you've paid for an app, how do you then install it?
3) If a paid app is still Beta, and you pay the price, will you be able to install the thing?

Apologies if these are somewhat "Newbie" questions, I have tried to find the answers, but struggle.



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Re: Beta Apps - Query

Postby bigfoot65 » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:57 pm

1) How do I go about installing some of these Beta apps (because, being totally honest, without some of them Amahi isn't of much use to me).
Any app that is in beta, typically is in testing and may not be productions ready. If you subscribe to one of the Amahi plans, Ninja or Pro, you will have access to beta apps.
2) Once you've paid for an app, how do you then install it?
Once you pay for the app, it will show up in your available apps section on your HDA dashboard. You can then install it like any normal Amahi app.
3) If a paid app is still Beta, and you pay the price, will you be able to install the thing?
Yes, once you pay for the app you will have access providing you are on a plan that allows install of beta apps. ... mahi-sync/

I hope this helps clarify things a bit. This is new territory for most folks.
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