latest alpha platform released - only for developers craving the bleeding edge!
details in the devel list: ... mahi-devel
latest alpha platform released
latest alpha platform released
My HDA: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz on MSI board, 8GB RAM, 1TBx2+3TBx1
latest alpha released - 1.11-13 - per-webapp user authentica
from the devel mailing list:
Code: Select all
more "new and improved" platform with goodies :)
and some new features!
thanks to all that have helped test the online installer
so far!
this rpm below has to following new features and fixes:
- user logins for webapps! try this out french!
- each webapp has a checkbox to click to require user
- this is an interim release.
- apps with the user login requirement clicked expect
an htpasswd file with some users/passwords in it.
- these users/passords nees to be created by hand
and have NOTHING to do with the existing users and
passwords! this will change in the not too distant future
- see the details on how to create the users/pwds at:
- further improvements on installs of online webapps, including
fixes for the size of the icons in myapps (should look better
as there was an error of 2 pixels in the horizantal dimension).
- icons of online apps not installed are no longer clickable,
as they are not installed!
- apps that create webapps create them so that the webapps
cannot be deleted (only uninstalling the app can uninstall
the webapp!). can you follow the riddle?
- fixes a small issue with the way samba config files are
generated. no more extra blank lines. found with the help of
damato300, thanks!
- WARNING: first, this may interfere with webapps that you
may have already (in particular with location of the files
and the DNS name of the app), such as ajaxplorer, zina, maps,
mediawiki or blogs (i.e. the ones listed here and any more as we add them).
for best results, delete the webapps in your webapps tab
*and* remove the files or avoid install apps that you already
have installed!
- does not error check for multiple webapps that have the same
name, in particular if you have one already with that name.
(similar problem as above)
- there is no progress indicator yet - it can be slow to see
apps install and uninstall
- there is some issue with ajaxplorer for me - the DNS name
does not come up easily for some reason.
rpm -Uvh
My HDA: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz on MSI board, 8GB RAM, 1TBx2+3TBx1
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