Good answers. We do not have a release or product manager yet (interested?

Here is a little more, not as concrete as we would like, but hopefully it helps. The first two below we had added to the
Q: How long does the support last for which version?
A: We try to support the system for a long time. Many of our users run Amahi for years in a row. We care about continuous reliable operation.
This is our typical release cycle. When we make a new release, the previous release goes into "maintenance mode". That means we do not typically do any more major or minor releases to the platform or other packages, unless there is a security update that really could compromise user's systems. This is rare in our experience (only once in a few years). We will be in this mode for one or two years, until the base OS reaches its end-of-life.
App updates may trickle down for a release in maintenance mode and slowly taper over months until our entire focus for apps is in the latest release.
Q: Which version is developed for which OS?
A: We release on our own cycle, updating the platform periodically. For OSs, we try to alternate one Ubuntu LTS release and one Fedora release.
Q: What are the main advancments of a new version?
A (not in the faq): we are trying to make the platform smaller and smaller over time and make the rest of the functionality into plugins or apps (or themes).
Q: Next release
A (not in que faq): Amahi 7.2 with plugin updates (the main reason being a Greyhole UI). The next is Amahi 8, with target in May/June 2014 or so, based on Ubuntu 14.04LTS.
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