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by cybercowboy
Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:05 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: Cant access dashboard
Replies: 12
Views: 23003

Re: Cant access dashboard

Reboot has no change, same results. apaste --sysincof returns: [bjames@Watchtower images]$ apaste --sysinfo Gathering system info ................................Uploading (15.8KiB)... Error: Server did not return a correct JSON response [bjames@Watchtower images]$ Gathering system info ...............
by cybercowboy
Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:21 pm
Forum: Networking
Topic: Cant access dashboard
Replies: 12
Views: 23003

Cant access dashboard

After my / ran out of disk space I obviously got the Dashboard has encountered an exception error. Freed up disk space (now at 36% used) but still getting the error. Not sure where I need to look or go to check it, though based on other advice I did get this: [bjames@Watchtower ~]$ systemctl status ...
by cybercowboy
Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:45 am
Forum: VPN
Topic: Changed IP subnet, now VPN client can't talk to anything
Replies: 1
Views: 12139

Changed IP subnet, now VPN client can't talk to anything

So, due to reasons unrelated, I had to change my setup from 192,168.1.X to 192.168.86.X (Here's a forum post talking about doing that and the steps I took: ) However, I went to connect to the VPN for the first time since then, and I can't ping an...
by cybercowboy
Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:40 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10
Replies: 7
Views: 15443

Re: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10

just tried to upload again and am getting error "board attachment quota has been reached" At least on 10, if you go to change the gateway, it only wants to fill in the last octet (below the entry box it appears as 192.168.1. 1 If you change it to say ten, it will successfully change the ga...
by cybercowboy
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:04 pm
Forum: Networking
Topic: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10
Replies: 7
Views: 15443

Re: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10

1. in the HDA dashboard of Amahi 10, you can not change the 3rd octet via the web interface (See attachment Amahi 1.jpg for what happens if you try to change octet) 2.If instead you do the instructions for 6 and below and run sudo hda-change-gw then upon reboot (several were tried, 6 fo...
by cybercowboy
Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:59 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10
Replies: 7
Views: 15443

Re: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10

Check out the change Gateway Address in the wiki. It should be what you need. Yup that's what all the other forum entries say. First in the wiki linked, under 7 and above, at least in 10 you only change the 4th octet, not the 3rd. If you run the command I mentioned, it changes the gateway and DHCP ...
by cybercowboy
Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:58 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10
Replies: 7
Views: 15443

Changing Server's 3rd octet Amahi 10

I'm running Amahi 10, Needed to change the 3rd octet in my server's address, as well as the gateway, and DHCP. Right now it's I need it to be for the server address (and everything else on 192.168.86.x) Using the forums I ran "sudo hda-change-gw" whi...
by cybercowboy
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:10 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: SOLVED: No DNS even on server itself
Replies: 10
Views: 6821

Re: No DNS even on server itself

Ah, the fix was right in BigFoot65's links: ... HCP_Server

I did the steps there after installing the desktop and VNC, has worked like a champ for a few months now.
by cybercowboy
Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:01 am
Forum: Networking
Topic: SOLVED: No DNS even on server itself
Replies: 10
Views: 6821

Re: No DNS even on server itself


I was able to find a fix that allowed me to use VNC along with Amahi's DHCP/DNS settings, I'll see if I can find the work around and if so I'll post it.
by cybercowboy
Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:50 pm
Forum: File Sharing
Topic: SOLVED: SMBD using 100% of available CPU
Replies: 2
Views: 3896

Re: <SOLVED> SMBD using 100% of available CPU

I got this figured out using the following steps: using the hda console I created a new user 'localmnt' in my .smb_credentials on my first user account, I changed the samba credentials so that the local mounting of the samba shares would be done by the 'localmnt' user, and rebooted, now the smbd's t...